I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

A typical Nar Shaddaa Cantina.

Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:36 pm

"You are probably right on that account. Though life teaches to be wary of people who make too many good calls at once."
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:55 pm

"Quite true, quite true. Does tired ol' me look all that dangerous to you though?" He smirked and indicated for the dealer to start passing out cards.

"I was curious about one thing before we get started, if you don't mind a question."
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:00 pm

"I reserve my judgement on that account. Please. The most I risk is that if I refuse to answer it will be an answer in itself for you, Z." She lifted her fingers on the table to stem the cards sliding her direction under her palm.
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:17 pm

He motioned towards her drink, the rather girly pink and orange beverage. "No offense intended. But is that what you usually drink?"
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:21 pm

"No. But I may be having less habits than the average person. Makes it a bit more difficult for a keen eye to catch a pattern." The straw vanished under the mask before she put the drink back on the table. "It's pretty good though."
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jun 27, 2017 10:41 pm

"True enough, but that too can tell a gambler a number of things." He smiled softly. "I'm am glad you're enjoying it though."

"I think it's a bit to sweet for me."
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Tue Jun 27, 2017 10:49 pm

"You do look like a man who doesn't feel things go in right direction if it isn't a bit bitter from the get-go." She chuckled.
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:10 pm

He chuckled as the game started, he played well but not exceptionally. "You might have a point there Madam R. Perhaps I just think things are more honest like that?"

((Z will be playing straight, so if Moyr is using any tricks, she will likely beat him soundly.))
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:17 pm

"Honesty is the privilege of those that don't give a fuck." She chuckled. "Not too viable when you start caring about something or someone. Protecting that requires a lot of lying."

The woman approached the game conservatively, reserving potential tricks for later.
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

"You can have only as much liberty as you have the instinct to want and the audacity to take."
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:12 pm

"I'd counter that by saying the best lies are based around the truth." He murmured as they continued their game. "If you spend too much time lying you'll eventually become ensnared in them."

"Then who will be there to protect the one's you care for?"
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Zanebry Varliss
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:34 pm

"I don't necessarily disagree. The best lies are those that are predominantly true." So far, she had been playing without cheating.
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:37 pm

So had he, and he intended to do so at least for the time being. "We're in agreement on that at least." He murmured in return, concentrating more on the game then her.
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:58 am

"We haven't even started tracking the disagreements, Z." She commented, then let him win.
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:33 am

"Oh, I'm sure it's just a matter of time before we come across a few." He replied with a small chuckle, thought it turned into a frown as she left him win. "Not going to make learning anything easy on me then?" He asked mostly to himself as he collected the cards so they could be dealt again.
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Sat Jul 01, 2017 5:54 am

"You strike me as a type that gets bored when things are easy. Have you not admitted something along these lines a moment before?" She chuckled. "I suppose we can continue though, so it wasn't the last chance."
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

"You can have only as much liberty as you have the instinct to want and the audacity to take."
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:13 am

"Perhaps I have." He replied thoughtfully, though one could wonder if he even recalled at all. taking a sip of his whiskey we watched the cards as they were dealt. More intent on them, then on the woman or her mask. "There is always another chance, until your dead at least."
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Zanebry Varliss
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:39 pm

"This is not the worst idea to live by." She admitted, accepting the cards in much the same fashion, draining some of her rainbow drink. "Is it something you always knew or discovered at some point?"
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

"You can have only as much liberty as you have the instinct to want and the audacity to take."
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:57 pm

"I don't know if many are born with that sort of Knowledge R." He said with a light chuckle, beginning to play another conservative game of cards. "I discovered it a number offers ago. Somewhere on a battlefield, I didn't even notice at the time. I suppose that may be the way with these type of things though."
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Zanebry Varliss
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Re: I Want My Money Back! [ME6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:14 am

"Self-reflection. The learning curve of self. Not all sentients have it, strangely enough." She mused, playing seemingly erratically until the game ended without conclusive win of either. Soon after, they parted ways.

Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

"You can have only as much liberty as you have the instinct to want and the audacity to take."
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