Ralnorrei glared at them both and then turned back to face the ancient Sith. "We are going to have a
SERIOUS chat about this afterwards!" She bared her teeth and got to her feet. "You could help but I don't need it!"
She walked closer to the spirit inch by inch, the beams between them pressing together. "You think you're tough, don't you?! I am a slave to no one!
Not any longer!" With a final scream, she pushed her energy into her opponent, sending into the raging storm.
"So be it," the traitorous Shadow Hand whispered as her form dissipated into dust.
The Zabrak then turned back to them, the fury apparent in her eyes. "Were you just standing by because you thought I had it or because you didn't want to help? Because if it was the latter, I swea-"
And before she could finish her sentence, she collapsed face first into the sand.
D6 MA Dark Side is Strong?:
2eF 1 Light Side, 1 Dark SideShadow Hand
D6 MA Dark Side is Strong?:
5eF 4 Light Side, 3 Dark SidePossession:
D6 MA Possession:
3eP+1eA+3eC+2eD+2eS 3 successes, 7 threat, 1 Triumph