Alysele Cortess wrote:Since lightsaber crystals are supposed to be rare, are there any crystals we can assume, besides Ilum, that can be bought on Nar Shadda? Or should we roll something to find out?
You might be lucky to find an illum quality crystal on Nar Shaddaa.
Remmington Thalalas wrote:I don't have that book. No other book aside from the Force one.
How much is a fedora? 20 credits or something?
That's fine.
Remmington Thalalas wrote:Random question time... are droid dogs a thing?
Interested in getting a military droid guard dog. Would it have vibro teeth and claws/shoots lasers from it's eyes/have sirens to scare off intruders? Where can I get one and how much?
What languages do droids usually know when you buy them? Can you install more/different ones?
Probably, they will run a few thousand credits probably, droids typically are installed with most known languages in the galaxy, and you can install more if you like. Probably just an Average Computers check.