by Luth Khalan » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:20 am
She let out a laugh at that. "Fair enough. You're your own person, who can choose to act as he sees fit," she acknowledges with a nod. That's just it, though. You'd be Asra. You'd never hear your own name again if you lied, and you'd probably be discovered, and if he knew you were Luth, he'd hate you.
Well, it didn't mean she couldn't enjoy her time right now. "Same as me, I suppose. I'll probably step away from official duty once this tour's up, if possible."
Republic | Human | SIS | Spy | Assassin | Sniper | Force SensitiveCarries: Comlink, Electrobinoculars, Utility Belt,
On Assignment: Environment Armor and helmet, Sniper Rifle, Extra Rounds"One shot can end one life and save millions more."