Cole Ormont wrote:As strain is easier to recover than wounds, can I heal specifically for strain?
In general not usually, but I will allow it for there to move things along. But strain is pretty easy to recover.
Cole Ormont wrote:As strain is easier to recover than wounds, can I heal specifically for strain?
Moyr Ahaya wrote:If a bounty investigation roll fails but grants 2 advantages, does it generate a boost on the repeat?
Shaisha Vreysk wrote:*wants to know what the shiny-shiny crystal is*
Layne Hoshin wrote:Had the droids heal me at some point after the fight today; viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1259&p=29526#p29526
but then later I realized I still have 2 critical injuries remaining from D5. Can droids do both a regular wounds heal roll, and an attempt to heal a critical in a timeslot? (obviously no more than that)