Aphr Ahaya wrote:"I'm not sure how much you've been watching me...but I've not gained the greatest opinion of the Jedi after a drugging incident" Aphr frowned "I don't want to take sides. I just want to help Moyr...and learn more of the Force. There seems to be so much about the Force surrounding me that I don't understand, I don't know where else I can turn other than to my own family."
“I do not see all only fragments and I am sorry that such has happened, the Jedi are noble and this individual obviously has made mistakes, perhaps costly ones to make you doubt their sincerity.”
“The Force is a life long exploration of understanding, even if you do not wish to choose you may not have a choice. Moyr… the Sith they will not accept no easily, the Jedi at least will allow you to decide your own fate if you so choose. If you travel down the dark apth it can be difficult to find the Light before you have hurt yourself and those you are trying to protect.”
“I am your family, I am not asking you give up on Moyr but I am advising you that her problems are not yours to carry, she chose this path. She chose this life of conflict and danger. No matter what threats you believe you are protecting her from remember that the Sith choose conflict over Peace,” her ancestor advises.
“There will always be another threat, always another enemy that wants to do her harm. Often because she has wronged them first.”