by Luth Khalan » Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:16 pm
She smiles and lets out a soft breath. "Very." She goes through things in her mind, mulling it over. There was so much being presented here. Beyond him. She wasn't ready to deal with how drawn to him she felt in such a short time. But... she looked at their hands. High regard. A chance to develop her own hopes and dreams, and the power to pursue them. Freedom from being someone's dog or their tool. A chance to achieve her potential without constraints. The opportunity to recognize that she had potential - that she could be more than she was. Someone there who recognized that before she even had.
But there were sacrifices. The Empire was not a kind place, and these were not kind people. Backstabbing, destruction, the destruction of lives that she felt on a bone-deep level each time she killed. The insanity that the dark side drove people to. Matthias' insanity more broadly. On a personal level, she would have to abandon her old self and her old name. But was there anything worth salvaging in the last? Was the Republic's calm in comparison true or just an illusion? There were many people like him there, after all.
She was, in a word, conflicted.
Republic | Human | SIS | Spy | Assassin | Sniper | Force SensitiveCarries: Comlink, Electrobinoculars, Utility Belt,
On Assignment: Environment Armor and helmet, Sniper Rifle, Extra Rounds"One shot can end one life and save millions more."