Some Useful Information

OOC General Chat

Some Useful Information

Postby Remmington Thalalas » Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:34 am

This was posted by a player from the previous game. Also some notes from the previous game as well. So hopefully it will help some people here.

Star Wars - Galaxy Map

Advantage and Threat
Things you can do with rolls.

Cheat Sheet for Dice
Sith | Force Sensitive | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Duelist | Mechanic | Charming | Hutt Ball Team: Valkyrie | Honourary Fett | Exp
"The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."

Carries: Backpack, Comlink (Handheld), Datapad, Glow Rod, Laminate Armour (Mandalorian), Lightsaber - Gram, Respirator, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Utility Belt

Ship: Skidbladnir
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Remmington Thalalas
Posts: 1277
Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:14 am

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