by Baesal Zyn » Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:20 pm
''We were actually trying to get things back on track but...well...I guess trust issues spoiled everything as rumors began to spread saying that the imperials wanted to cut us off''
She shrugged
''But I was contacted recently concerning that...The weapon Czerka was manufacturing? Its a bio-weapon, a virus, and it was to be tested on kidnapped force sensitive children.''
She fiddled with the armor
''Tonigh a group of people and I are going to stop the entire project. Neither the Empire nor the Republic will have that weapon.''
Jedi- Togruta - Tinkerer - The Tentacle Entente? - Student of Master Raji Xen - 'splosions! -
Visible equipment: Heavy clothes, utility belt, googles, backpack, Soho lightsaber: The silver bladed ''Memory'', The red Ionblade ''The little sister''.
"Insert here: profound sounding quote that expresses nothing more then hot air" -Baesal Zyn
Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant