Dark Lord's Sway may add his Force rating to Deception and Coercion skill checks
Alysele Cortess wrote:Regarding the Peace Talks... how will it be decided that who rolls what exactly? What skills and traits?
Also:Dark Lord's Sway may add his Force rating to Deception and Coercion skill checks
I assume this means that he rolls his Force Rating and adds Dark pips as success or advantage?
Cole Ormont wrote:To work out how much I should be swearing, is fuck okay? Or should I stick to screw and the like?
Dapper Dog wrote:6 total, for now until I start spending some.
Aphr Ahaya wrote:Aha, ok!
I created a thread in the unaligned group to allow people to note light expending for our own tracking - is that ok or will the threads in OOC be frequently updated?
Col. Hala Moraal wrote:How does strain recovery translate to the forum setting? According to the book, Strain is recovered after a night's rest - that one's easy.
It also says each character may make a Simple (-) Cool or Discipline check and each success recovers one strain. Does that mean we can make that roll once per timeslot, or X number of times per day (outside of combat and as appropriate), etc.?
Niall Organa wrote:Along with that, can I use the Inspiring Rhetoric talent outside of combat time? That seems rather unfair, since I could just fill up people's strain. But maybe filling strain isn't vital enough that it matters?
"The character may take the Inspiring Rhetoric action; making an Average Leadership check. For each success, one ally within close range recovers one strain. For each advantage, one ally benefiting from Inspiring Rhetoric recovers one additional strain."
As long as I'm asking questions, for assisting in Bounty Hunting threads, is it still 1 assistant per roll? Or can all three other players assist?