Cole moves closer to the tank, adjusting his mediscanner. He refines the scans with narrower and narrower passes, eventually tapping the spectacle frames and instructing, "diagnostic model." In his vision, a three-dimensional reconstruction of the Zabrak's brain appeared.
He wished for a proper surgery, or even just access to a full-size display. In brain surgery terms, he might as well be going in blind. But there was no sense in delaying, he had all the data there was to glean, so he set himself up and laid out his tools.
Running his hand through his hair once more, Cole pulled on gloves and tapped the spectacles, "diagnostic overlay." The holomodel dissolved to be replaced with a projected map over the Zabrak's head. Expression neutral and professional, he set to work.
Flipping Destiny for Upgrade
[D9 LA] It's not like it's brain surgery... oh, it is... (Medicine + DESTINY): 3eP+1eA+1eB+2eD 8 successes, 2 threat

[D9 LA] Shoddy Equipment (Setback): 1eS 0 successes