Shai only has two skills at 2, as well, and one she started with at 2 from Race + Background, so I never really had to invest in it. The other is Lightsaber. So I got my most important Sith skills at 2, at least?
Shai also didn't get a 2nd Spec until the end of this game, as buying a second spec is rather pricey, so she was able to stay focused on the Force powers I wanted to at least open up as well as some of the more important Lightsaber Talents (Parry, Reflect, Improved Reflect).
I find the Talent-system interesting, but it REALLY depends on your Tree. I'm lucky that the two Trees I've picked (Shien Expert and Seer) are very good and have a pretty amazing layout. Other Trees aren't as lucky (poor Z... that Tree is really terrible T_T). So the setup of some Trees is a big gripe I have with the system.
Sure, there are often times I regret having invested in Cunning 4, as I suck at almost every other attribute... like, it would be really nice to have a higher Agility, Presence, Brawn, or Intellect! But the times I see I get to roll Cunning as my attribute, I'm a happy camper, so it eents out.
@Cole: I find that it isn't always nescessary to spec into a new Tree unless you find the Talents vital to round-out your build.