by Dapper Dog » Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:43 am
Fashion and Culture
Republic is all about freedom of choice and the mixing and clashing of cultures. Food, music, and fashion are all about fusion; that is what is all the rave in the Republic. The guttural chants of the wookiee mixed with the high tempo songs of the twi’leks is the kind of thing that one would find in the Republic.
With the war over there are many shows seeking to capitalize on this era, some create shows that recount the war in a positive light while others seek to explore more homely topics. One of the more popular shows is still Vera Hawke: Jedi Knight, a rather outlandish show of a Jedi who does things her way a loose cannon with a heart of gold. Most Jedi find it as trash, but people love the show and the main actress is very easy on the eyes. Often referred to on the Holonet is the Vera Hawke: Cleavage Knight. The show is on it’s fifth season and has a loyal following. In the post war era the show has focused on more domestic issues but still seems as popular as ever.
Another popular show is called the Kessel Run, following a ragtag band of smugglers and criminals just trying to make it on the fringe. This show has all the sex and intrigue one could want and although in its first season is huge with the young folks as a hip and edgy show. The show ended after two seasons but now many more trashy Edge-Punk shows are all the rage, focusing on misadventures in the Outer Rim with a gritty realistic feel. Mr. Boobu’s Variety Show is a mainstay and has had a resurgence after the show retooled itself as more of a skit variety show that lampoons the government.
One of the most controversial shows is a new show called The Code, it attempts to humanize Jedi with the main lead having a spice addiction in addition to being a Jedi. The show has been roundly criticised by the Jedi Order, but it is very popular with the young. It is a dark gritty show, one part police procedural but with a flawed hero at the helm.
Music wise cantina pop is back on the scene, due to the influx of refugees from the Outer Rim, but all the young kids are into psych-hop, music that drones on and is less vocals and more smooth beats. For people that want an edge, Wook-Rock is where it is at, it’s all roars and shouts and thunderous drums.
Fashion has chilled in recent months with Jedi-chic being all the rage. Simple robes and layers seems to be quite popular in the upper crust, layering various fabrics into flowing robes and gowns. With the influx of refugees from the outer rim styles have simplified for the general populace with function being preferred over aesthetics. Styles that resemble the military are on the out though, everyone just kind of wants to forget the war and focus on the future and instead hope that peace remains.
Jedi being their own peer group have taken to wearing their traditional robes and light fabrics of browns and blacks. Hoods are back in fashion and there seems to be a focus on blending in as much as they can, although their lightsabers tend to make them standout. Some Jedi eschew the old styles and adopt more urban styles while a small subset opt for a more militant outlook with armored robes and clothing, these are the vocal minority that believe peace with the Sith was a big mistake.
Republic Military
The Republic military is a collection of armed forces that serve and protect the Republic. Each member world usually maintains their own military forces in addition to supporting the Republic Armed Forces. It is a volunteer force made up of sentient beings from across the Republic.
There are primarily Naval Space forces and Ground Military units and the ranks are pretty similar with enlisted ranks and an Officer corps in both. Advancement is meritocratic, usually based on performance and years of service. Republic forces have a flexible doctrine that is based on minimizing casualties and collateral damage.
Compared to the Imperial Military, the Republic has a much larger force but the size tends to fluctuate quite bit as military service is not compulsory on most member worlds. Training tends to be the responsibility of the member world based on agreed standards, though more elite training happens on the Core Worlds of the Republic. As a volunteer force most soldiers do not serve for life, compensation is competitive though rarely lucrative, but there are other benefits often afforded ex military members such as preference for government jobs, additional funding for secondary education, and other perks dependent on their member worlds.
Despite the larger military force on the whole the Republic has a much larger territory to cover and defend spreading their forces thin. Equipment tends to be serviceable but not always the most top of the lines especially for poorer member world or worlds on the fringes of the Republic while Core Worlds tend to have more advanced equipment and better training. Another issue is that the Republic Military has a great deal more oversight from the civilian government which can sometimes hamper their response or capabilities in the field. Even so the Republic Armed Forces have a great deal more latitude and flexibility in completing objectives than their Imperial counterparts and also much more lax disciplinary measures, death is reserved for the most heinous offenses.
Jedi and the Military
Jedi are a complex subject for the Republic forces, on the one hand they are elite forces that bring a variety of unique and powerful abilities to any military unit. They are dangerous in close combat and very effective in non-traditional military missions. The problem is that they are not soldiers, they are not trained as soldiers, and they don’t consider military objectives in the same way.
Jedi tend to be dedicated ending conflicts as quickly as possible with the minimal loss of life and do not believe in collateral damage if they can help it. Violence is not a goal of the Jedi and despite their often extensive fighting capabilities they prefer to end engagements with words more so than violence.
Their moral objections can complicate military objectives. Despite these shortcomings most troops welcome Jedi aid and see the Jedi as heroes. Jedi can lead military units, due to long standing treaties and traditions, but this is often rare. More often the Jedi act as specialists to bolster unit instead of leading it. This tends to be the more common role for Jedi in the post war era. Jedi that do lead do so only proving themselves by completing training programs or showing aptitude in the field.
This is a counterpoint to Imperial methodology where the Sith usually hold absolute power over their military subordinates. Jedi often work best when given wide latitude to complete their objectives free of military doctrine but those that have a thorough understanding of Republic Military Doctrine can work quite well together.
Jedi do not officially hold military ranks though in times of crisis they can at this juncture, they tend to frown upon taking military rank. In general they are afforded a great deal of respect and some distance as Jedi tend to be intimidating to most soldiers and civilians for what they can do.
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