Liberation of Bankor

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Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:42 am

Information on the forthcoming game, Liberation of Bankor. This is a Republic focused story in the trilogy.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:43 am

Fashion and Culture

Republic is all about freedom of choice and the mixing and clashing of cultures. Food, music, and fashion are all about fusion; that is what is all the rave in the Republic. The guttural chants of the wookiee mixed with the high tempo songs of the twi’leks is the kind of thing that one would find in the Republic.

With the war over there are many shows seeking to capitalize on this era, some create shows that recount the war in a positive light while others seek to explore more homely topics. One of the more popular shows is still Vera Hawke: Jedi Knight, a rather outlandish show of a Jedi who does things her way a loose cannon with a heart of gold. Most Jedi find it as trash, but people love the show and the main actress is very easy on the eyes. Often referred to on the Holonet is the Vera Hawke: Cleavage Knight. The show is on it’s fifth season and has a loyal following. In the post war era the show has focused on more domestic issues but still seems as popular as ever.

Another popular show is called the Kessel Run, following a ragtag band of smugglers and criminals just trying to make it on the fringe. This show has all the sex and intrigue one could want and although in its first season is huge with the young folks as a hip and edgy show. The show ended after two seasons but now many more trashy Edge-Punk shows are all the rage, focusing on misadventures in the Outer Rim with a gritty realistic feel. Mr. Boobu’s Variety Show is a mainstay and has had a resurgence after the show retooled itself as more of a skit variety show that lampoons the government.

One of the most controversial shows is a new show called The Code, it attempts to humanize Jedi with the main lead having a spice addiction in addition to being a Jedi. The show has been roundly criticised by the Jedi Order, but it is very popular with the young. It is a dark gritty show, one part police procedural but with a flawed hero at the helm.

Music wise cantina pop is back on the scene, due to the influx of refugees from the Outer Rim, but all the young kids are into psych-hop, music that drones on and is less vocals and more smooth beats. For people that want an edge, Wook-Rock is where it is at, it’s all roars and shouts and thunderous drums.

Fashion has chilled in recent months with Jedi-chic being all the rage. Simple robes and layers seems to be quite popular in the upper crust, layering various fabrics into flowing robes and gowns. With the influx of refugees from the outer rim styles have simplified for the general populace with function being preferred over aesthetics. Styles that resemble the military are on the out though, everyone just kind of wants to forget the war and focus on the future and instead hope that peace remains.

Jedi being their own peer group have taken to wearing their traditional robes and light fabrics of browns and blacks. Hoods are back in fashion and there seems to be a focus on blending in as much as they can, although their lightsabers tend to make them standout. Some Jedi eschew the old styles and adopt more urban styles while a small subset opt for a more militant outlook with armored robes and clothing, these are the vocal minority that believe peace with the Sith was a big mistake.

Republic Military

The Republic military is a collection of armed forces that serve and protect the Republic. Each member world usually maintains their own military forces in addition to supporting the Republic Armed Forces. It is a volunteer force made up of sentient beings from across the Republic.

There are primarily Naval Space forces and Ground Military units and the ranks are pretty similar with enlisted ranks and an Officer corps in both. Advancement is meritocratic, usually based on performance and years of service. Republic forces have a flexible doctrine that is based on minimizing casualties and collateral damage.

Compared to the Imperial Military, the Republic has a much larger force but the size tends to fluctuate quite bit as military service is not compulsory on most member worlds. Training tends to be the responsibility of the member world based on agreed standards, though more elite training happens on the Core Worlds of the Republic. As a volunteer force most soldiers do not serve for life, compensation is competitive though rarely lucrative, but there are other benefits often afforded ex military members such as preference for government jobs, additional funding for secondary education, and other perks dependent on their member worlds.

Despite the larger military force on the whole the Republic has a much larger territory to cover and defend spreading their forces thin. Equipment tends to be serviceable but not always the most top of the lines especially for poorer member world or worlds on the fringes of the Republic while Core Worlds tend to have more advanced equipment and better training. Another issue is that the Republic Military has a great deal more oversight from the civilian government which can sometimes hamper their response or capabilities in the field. Even so the Republic Armed Forces have a great deal more latitude and flexibility in completing objectives than their Imperial counterparts and also much more lax disciplinary measures, death is reserved for the most heinous offenses.

Jedi and the Military

Jedi are a complex subject for the Republic forces, on the one hand they are elite forces that bring a variety of unique and powerful abilities to any military unit. They are dangerous in close combat and very effective in non-traditional military missions. The problem is that they are not soldiers, they are not trained as soldiers, and they don’t consider military objectives in the same way.

Jedi tend to be dedicated ending conflicts as quickly as possible with the minimal loss of life and do not believe in collateral damage if they can help it. Violence is not a goal of the Jedi and despite their often extensive fighting capabilities they prefer to end engagements with words more so than violence.

Their moral objections can complicate military objectives. Despite these shortcomings most troops welcome Jedi aid and see the Jedi as heroes. Jedi can lead military units, due to long standing treaties and traditions, but this is often rare. More often the Jedi act as specialists to bolster unit instead of leading it. This tends to be the more common role for Jedi in the post war era. Jedi that do lead do so only proving themselves by completing training programs or showing aptitude in the field.

This is a counterpoint to Imperial methodology where the Sith usually hold absolute power over their military subordinates. Jedi often work best when given wide latitude to complete their objectives free of military doctrine but those that have a thorough understanding of Republic Military Doctrine can work quite well together.

Jedi do not officially hold military ranks though in times of crisis they can at this juncture, they tend to frown upon taking military rank. In general they are afforded a great deal of respect and some distance as Jedi tend to be intimidating to most soldiers and civilians for what they can do.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:44 am


Liberation of Bankor is the next game in the Star Wars series and caps off the first trilogy of games. This game takes place almost two years after the events of the Nar Shaddaa game and focus solely on the Republic, meaning only Republic and Unaligned characters only with a preference for Republic. New characters will begin play with an additional 130 experience points on top of what they get from normal creation rules.

The focus of the game will be a war story with sacrifice and heroism as a primary theme, this means the game will be more lethal than previous ones. Players will not be able to use Destiny to avoid Death, and some events may even call for an ultimate sacrifice if the players so choose. This is not a meat grinder game but the stakes are high and death can happen, keep that in mind.

Another feature of the game is the relationship between the Strike Force and the Bankor Resistance, decisions of what objectives to take and actions player take in the game will impact this relationship. If the players work well with the Resistance then they may gain advantages in events and play if they don’t the Resistance may see them as just another occupying force and could impede their efforts. Military targets in the campaign will note how they affect the relationship between the Resistance and the Strike Force; for example taking a military factory may improve things for the Strike Force but if they do so in lieu of attacking a Labor Camp and freeing the people the Resistance may resent the Republic forces.

This game takes place over a period of about six to eight months for the campaign on Bankor, with a focus on a few days of action and then a time jump affected by the events in play. So three days of focus on the action then a few weeks of description and then back to the focus on the action, similar to the events in Korriban.

The game is planned for Summer 2018, after the Hollow Throne game.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:46 am

Bankor.jpg (123.12 KiB) Viewed 15332 times

The world of Bankor is in the Zulan system along with three other planets, two gas giants and two terrestrial worlds. Bankor is the third planet from the star, Zulan. The innermost world is a a super heated gas giant called Nylar, next is a small terrestrial world named Bolza and then beyond Bankor is the massive gas giant, Hanos. Bankor has no native intelligent species, but was colonized by the Republic nearly a century ago, the most recent wave of arrivals were Zabrak refugees from Imperial controlled worlds.

The Zabrak have a rather large population living in the slums of the cities and often taking work where they can as farm hands or doing low skill labor in the cities. They are looked down on and receive a lot of prejudice as brutes or just in general poor uncouth laborers.

The population centers are thick with industry and although there is no native intelligent species there are ruins from past attempts to colonize the planet, some dating back several thousand years. Bankor has three major continents with a fourth continent situated at the northern pole, the more populated continent of Veras is home to the original colony and the de facto capital of Bankor, Veras City. A major industrial region, currently under the control of the Mandalorians who have made it their headquarters. It is a predominantly temperate continent in the southern hemisphere with beautiful coastlines and a central desert

Across the ocean is Givak, a rugged landscape with fertile plains and hills this is where the majority of the Zabraks settled that chose not to live in Veras City, and the initial insertion point for the Republic Forces just outside the coastal city of Uthin Mal.

The sparsely populated third continent is Yuvas and is mostly arid with a vicious jungle in the north and eastern portions of the continent. There are some small homesteads and villages but no major settlements.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:08 pm

Jedi Training

The path to becoming a Jedi is not easy, there are perhaps only a handful in the Galaxy, a few million in existence compared to the trillions of people in the galaxy. The training to become a Jedi usually takes a couple of decades, this begins young and ends to end when many species are in the age of majority. For a human being a padawan typically ends around the age of 20 to 25 for reference. Prospective Jedi in the Republic are identified early in their lives often as toddlers, preferably before the child has developed too many attachments to their birth family or parents.

Within the Republic this is seen as a great honor and opportunity as the youngling will get one of the best educations any family could ask for and even if they don’t become a Jedi they will have completed and been filtered into a top class education program. In fact most younglings do not become Jedi, most either do not have the level of Force ability or temperament to be Jedi. This is common and there is no stigma for such individuals. When a Youngling completes their early basic training they graduate to being a Padawan typically at the ages of 11 to 15 and they are assigned a master who they will work for perhaps the next five to ten years on average. Padawan are not Jedi, but for all intents and purposes to civilians they are treated as Jedi and can act with Jedi authority in lieu of their Masters.

Padawan is a time of doing, while Youngling is a time Learning, Padawans put their training into action. It is also at this time that they build their first lightsaber. Early in their career they tend to stay close to their Master but later in their training they may take on missions by themselves. No two Padawan journeys are the same but in in general the bond between Master and Padawan is deep and profound and often lasts a lifetime.

Padawans graduate to the rank of Jedi at their behest of their Master, once they feel they have the right mindset and training to be a Jedi. This can be a formal affair or simply a private acknowledgement between Master and Padawan at this point the Jedi can pursue their duties as they see fit in service to the Republic.

Jedi Ranks

  • Youngling: Younglings are not Jedi, they are simply Force sensitive students being groomed to be Jedi, most will not become Jedi though and be directed to other professions and careers. They will receive world class educations and often do well in life.
  • Padawan: Although technically not Jedi, Padawans have all the basic rights in society and can act with Jedi authority in lieu of their Master. This is a rank of learning, training, and growth and culminates with being acknowledged as a full Jedi by their Master and the Council. Among Jedi, Padawan are expected to follow the lead of full Jedi especially a Jedi Master.
  • Jedi: The basic rank of all Jedi, these are full members of the Order and are allowed a wide latitude to pursue missions and callings as they see fit. Some Jedi travel a great deal others may spend all their time in a given location depending on what task they wish to pursue. All Jedi are expected to serve the Republic and the Order.
  • Jedi Knight: This is not an official rank, more of a title among Jedi for those Jedi that work as protectors and defenders of people in the field. These Jedi tend to be more martial in their focus and work as peacekeepers. Most civilians see all Jedi as Jedi Knights, technically both true and false. Among the Jedi, marking oneself as Jedi Knight makes it known where they are putting their focus and energies. Again this is more an honorific title than actual rank.
  • Jedi Master: Technically the highest rank one can attain among the Jedi, the rank of Jedi Master is one of respect among the Jedi. It acknowledges a Jedi with a wide breadth of knowledge, experiences, and understanding of the Force. Not all Jedi become Masters, some refuse the rank others just never reach the dedication to be named a Master. Most master says that it takes a lifetime to become a true Master, and that every Master is really just a student.
  • Jedi Council: The most revered Masters are given right to lead the Jedi Order, they form a democratic council of Jedi Masters and guide the Jedi as a whole. These are usually the most respected and members of the Order, the term is variable usually based on how long the Jedi Master wishes to serve, often for life.
  • Grandmaster: The Grandmaster is the leader of the Jedi Council, first among equals, and the leader of the Jedi Order nominally. They are seen as the wisest member of the Order and well steeped in the Force and the ways of the Jedi. They are the first teacher, often active in the education of young Jedi and also active politically working closely with the Galactic Republic Senate.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Nov 13, 2017 6:54 pm

Relationships and the Jedi

This is perhaps one of the more complicated areas for the Jedi Order, especially young members of the Jedi. Jedi often seem to be distant and according to the Sith passionless which is very much not true but they do tend to subdue their emotions and refrain from acting based on a purely emotional response. Logic, patience, and calm tend to be the ideal which can be confusing because often the Jedi will respond with a young Jedi or Padawan trusting their feelings.

Basically emotions and feelings are not inherently bad. Relationships and connections to individuals are not bad, it is only when those attachments supercede good judgment that the Jedi see issues. Friendships and even close relationships are fine but a Jedi must be mindful that the attachment does not stray from trust and companionship into the territory of possession and envy. When a relationship, positive or negative becomes a distraction that poses a danger for a Jedi to be swayed into drawing on their more base or darker emotions to force an outcome and tread a path to the Dark Side.

So in short a Jedi can have relationships but they must be measured and always balanced with the knowledge that it should not guide or force their own actions. Jedi opt for a non-specific compassion, a love of all things and not specific individuals. It can be difficult to achieve and few Jedi, even Masters, ever reach that level of balance and understanding. Most struggle with detachment all their lives and in fact this is expected.

One caveat of relationships is that Jedi can and do engage in intimate activities such as sex, some casually others as meditation but always with a mind free of attachment or that is the ideal. Deep meaningful bonds are discouraged as those are the relationships most likely to turn a Jedi to darker emotions relying on their lust, envy, or jealousy to drive them. By the same token it is possible for a Jedi to be married but it is not an easy process and must be approved by the Jedi Council, in general it is discouraged in this era.

If a Jedi is found to have an inappropriate relationship they are usually counseled, more severe issues like a secret marriage may result in expulsion from the Jedi Order. Padawans have slightly more leeway as they are felt to not have full understanding of this issue but even so it is an open secret that some Jedi get pregnant or father children, these are usually handled on a case by case basis; but in general expulsion is rarely exercised.

So in short relationships are complicated for Jedi.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:55 pm

Perception of the Jedi

To the common Republic citizen Jedi are a cool mystery, they have strange abilities and wield strange weapons and captivate the imagination. Few people will ever meet a Jedi, let alone have a discussion with one, and and so that adds to the mystery. In general people in the Republic have positive thoughts about the Jedi and see them as the good guys and heroes. Most people when they think of Jedi either picture them as robed monks with blazing swords or the image of Vera Hawke, they are heroic and larger than life. They don’t seem like real people, and also shrouded in mystery as few people understand the Force. They have heard of it, but for most it just isn’t part of their everyday life.

This in general works well for the Jedi as people are well disposed to them as guardians and protectors but it does cause some issues at times. Due to the mystery, it can be hard for the general populace to differentiate between a Sith and a Jedi. For the most part if a person wields a lightsaber and does weird magic things without the aid of obvious technology they consider them a Jedi. The Sith are known more in the core worlds but it is difficult for most to know the difference besides them being the bad guys in dark clothing who serve or rule the Empire. This line is further blurred as one of the famous heroes of the Republic, the Jedi hero Revan, was also once a Sith Lord. This can cause problems for Jedi for Sith or other opportunist force users may pose as Jedi to take advantage of the good will they have with the average Republic citizen.

Jedi don’t help this mysterious image much, they tend to be cryptic and vanish as quickly as they arrive. They don’t seem to be driven by wealth or power or even the desire to win someone’s hand which can make dealing with them intimidating. Jedi tend to be ascetic, but a Jedi in good standing has the vast resources of the Jedi Order behind them which includes ships, vast temples, and even whole worlds under their direct control. The arrival of a Jedi is one of celebration, awe, and fear. Jedi are peacekeepers, they don’t have to follow the normal criminal justice system and have leave to use lethal force if they deem it needed which some circles resent. Thankfully most Jedi tend to rely on their lightsaber and lethal force as a last resort preferring words and diplomacy.

In short Jedi are respected in society but they are mysterious and intimidating and the fact they only answer to their own can make others very nervous and leery of their presence.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Nov 26, 2017 6:19 pm

Population: 38.4 million (54% human, 13% Twi'lek, 24% Zabrak, 9% Other)
Day Length: 26.2 standard hours
Orbital Year Length: 423 standard days
Government: Collapsed and in Exile under Mandalorian control.
Military: Collapsed, Native Resistance Force estimated at 200,000 fighters but poorly equipped.

The planet of Bankor is in the Zulan system along with three other planets, two gas giants and two terrestrial worlds. Bankor is the third planet from the star, Zulan. The innermost world is a a super heated gas giant called Nylar, next is a small terrestrial world named Bolza and then beyond Bankor is the massive gas giant, Hanos. Bankor has no native intelligent species, but was colonized by the Republic nearly a century ago, the most recent wave of arrivals were Zabrak refugees from Imperial controlled worlds. Bankor has two moons, a small mishappen satellite about 1200 kilometers across and a much larger moon about 1/5 the size of Bankor named Altair and Olandis respectively.

The Zabrak have a rather large population living in the slums of the cities and often taking work where they can as farm hands or doing low skill labor in the cities. They are looked down on and receive a lot of prejudice as brutes or just in general poor uncouth laborers.

The population centers are thick with industry and although there is no native intelligent species there are ruins from past attempts to colonize the planet, some dating back several thousand years. Bankor has three major continents with a fourth continent situated at the northern pole, the more populated continent of Veras is home to the original colony and the de facto capital of Bankor, Veras City. A major industrial region, currently under the control of the Mandalorians who have made it their headquarters. It is a predominantly temperate continent in the southern hemisphere with beautiful coastlines and a central desert

Across the ocean is Givak, a rugged landscape with fertile plains and hills this is where the majority of the Zabraks settled that chose not to live in Veras City, and the initial insertion point for the Republic Forces just outside the coastal city of Uthin Mal.

The sparsely populated third continent is Yuvas and is mostly arid with a vicious jungle in the north and eastern portions of the continent. There are some small homesteads and villages but no major settlements.

The native wild life of Bankor is numerous and varied though it has some common features. The world does not have any native insect life which leads to the fauna and flora having a more symbiotic relationship and creatures that blur the line between plant and animal. Another evolutionary trait is that animal species on this world evolved four eyes instead of the more common two on other worlds. Avian creatures lack feathers and have fur instead, and can grow to rather large size.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:45 pm

The terms of the Nar Shaddaa Peace Accord signed in the waning days of 3656 BBY brought an end to galactic conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. The primary stipulation is that neither government is to engage in outright direct military conflict and to cease all current conflicts.

This meant months more wrangling of which worlds would remain under Imperial control and which would remain under Republic control and demarcation lines of responsibility. The bulk of these negotiations happened on Corellia in follow up meetings to hammer out the exact details.

The Basic Details

  • Direct military conflict between the Republic and Empire is strictly prohibited and will violate the terms of the Peace Accord.
  • Trade between the two galactic states is strictly monitored by the respective governments but allowed.
  • Travel and communication between the two galactic states is strictly controlled and only allowed for official government, diplomatic, or trade purposes.
  • Official members of the respective militaries, unless under diplomatic dispensation, to include the Jedi and Sith, are not allowed on controlled worlds of the rival galactic state, i.e. Sith may not travel to Corellia unless attached to the Embassy in an official capacity.

There are two respective Embassies, one is currently in use on Corellia and a second is being constructed on Ziost and should be finished by the end of 3654 BBY.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:17 pm


Redshirts are special NPCs that can enter missions, mandatory missions or if a mission runs short the players can request a Redshirt join them if that NPC is available. They are built as players but with only 110 bonus experience. This character is not a full fledged Hero they cannot sacrifice themselves in a Heroic Moment. They also have the below talent.

Code: Select all
Redshirt:  If a Nemesis level enemy hits them with an attack that generates a Triumph they can use that Triumph to immediately remove this NPC from combat, the Redshirt is killed horrifically if the attack did wounds or knocked out if the attack did strain.  They must suffer at least 1 wound or strain for this to take effect.

Redshirts begin with a pool of four NPCs they can be increased via in-game events and if there are ever less than four in the pool one Redshirt will be added at the start of a new session as long as Power is 1 or higher.

If a Redshirt survives a mission they immediately gain 10 experience, and if they survive two encounters they lose the Redshirt talent in addition to the experience gain. They will still be listed under Redshirts for ease of play though.

If a Redshirt survives three mission encounters they gain the following talent:

Code: Select all
Veteran: This is a hardened veteran that has survived many harrowing battles and due to those experiences they inspire their allies.  Each player receives a free upgrade to any one action on the first turn of combat or any one action in an non-combat event if the Veteran is present.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:12 pm

List of starting Redshirts

Redshirt - BD-3T.jpg
Redshirt - BD-3T.jpg (15.06 KiB) Viewed 15191 times

BD-3T wrote:A Republic battle droid, he was given advanced capabilities to work in the field as a rifleman and slicer. BD-3T is a professional and tends to avoid the spotlight and focuses on the mission at hand. It tends to refer to itself in the third person, an odd quirk but since it has proven itself capable in the field one that command overlooks.

Redshirt - Greis Tun.jpg
Redshirt - Greis Tun.jpg (16.71 KiB) Viewed 15191 times

Greis Tun wrote:Sergeant Greis Tun has served for about seven years in the Republic armed forces and has been to many exotic locales. Trained as special forces, he is adept in combat and a quick thinker. He is good at improvising when extreme firepower is not enough to eradicate the enemy. He is a deadly shot at any range.

Redshirt - Naya Qyen.jpg
Redshirt - Naya Qyen.jpg (12.79 KiB) Viewed 15191 times

Naya Qyen wrote:Born on Tattooine, she was raised a moisture farmer but sought more adventure and joined the Republic to fly. Now Lt. Qyen flies space fighters for a living and loves every minute of it. Highly talented behind the stick she is one of the better pilots in the strike force.

Redshirt - Viyu Guri.jpg
Redshirt - Viyu Guri.jpg (12.33 KiB) Viewed 15191 times

Viyu Guri wrote:Descended from a Jedi, her grandfather, she has great respect for the Force and the Jedi. She joined the military to make a difference and is one of the more capable young officers in the strike force. Captain Guri is strong combatant and even better at leading her allies in times of conflict.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:24 pm


The enemy forces are led by powerful and skilled Commanders, each laying claim to a Theater of Warfare. Each Commander while leading their force adds a passive benefit to the Mandalorian forces, this can either be a benefit to the Commander’s forces or a setback to the Republic Forces. This effect is removed at the end of the day when the Commander is removed from play.

Commanders are always Nemesis level threats and cannot be accessed until a prerequisite event is completed; this event will be available on the first day of the Campaign in that theater. If completed it will unlock a Heroic Opportunity to defeat the Commander on the second day of the Campaign, if that first event is failed there will be a second opportunity to try to unlock the Commander with a Heroic Opportunity on the second day of the Campaign. If the Heroic Opportunity to unlock the Commander succeeds then it will allow an attempt on the commander on the third day of the Campaign.

If the Commander survives the Campaign, basically survives the session, then their passive benefit will be in play for the rest of the game and they will have a 65% chance to appear in the final battle against the Mandalorian Warlord. This roll will be made at the end of the session. This can make the final campaign substantially harder and deadlier.

This only applies to the regions that the Republic Forces actually visit.

Defeating a Commander immediately grants 4 Power to the Republic Forces in addition to any other rewards. This reward increases by 4 Power for each session, so 4 Power for Session 1, 8 Power for Session 2, and 12 Power for Session 3, and so on.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:52 pm

Heroic Opportunities

Heroic Opportunities are a special kind of mission event, these combat and non-combat encounters are harder than normal missions, and they also do not Require Power to launch the mission. One can expect perhaps two Heroic Opportunities per session, excluding the confrontation with a regional Commander.

There is one other important feature of a Heroic Opportunity is that they provided scripted ways for heroes to sacrifice their lives for the cause and provide a benefit to their allies in the scene. This will be clearly explained on what conditions need to be met or what needs to be done to make the self-sacrifice and it must be that player’s choice to do so. If this option is taken that player will receive a onetime bonus of 10 XP if they so choose to create a new character for this game.

Players are limited to one Heroic Opportunity per session, unless that event fails to fill and then it will be open to all. Do keep in mind Heroic Opportunities are not the only times a character could die, just a more structured way of showing the sacrifice and danger of a war story in the Star Wars setting.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:44 pm

Vasir Rexa.jpg
Vasir Rexa.jpg (12.84 KiB) Viewed 15129 times

Dr. Vasir Rexa

A scientist trained in Imperial space, she earned her doctorate on Makeb and has spent the last decade traveling the Outer Rim cataloguing interesting sites of historical significance. Vasir Rexa focuses her studies on Force sensitive cultures and organizations of the past. She has released a few academic works discussing the development of these Force sensitive societies and their impact on galactic society.

She was able to attach herself to the Strike Force by appealing to Senator Saresh about the historical significance of several sites on the planet in need of further study, protection, and cataloging. Despite the fact she is a civilian she carries protection and seems to be trained with small arms, enough to keep predators away.

  • Looking for history or ruins on Bankor, she probably knows something about it.
  • Well versed in the histories of many Force using societies across the galaxy.
  • Not exactly famous but she has written academic articles on a variety of topics pertaining to Force sensitives.
  • She is a doctor, not the medical kind but has her Doctorate in Xeno Cultural Studies.
  • Her accent makes her standout.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:16 am

Leontyne Saresh.jpg
Leontyne Saresh.jpg (12 KiB) Viewed 15120 times

Senator Leontyne Saresh

If there was a single person responsible for getting Strike Force Aurek Falcon off the ground, it would be the Senator Leontyne Saresh of Bankor. From the moment the Mandalorians landed on the planet she has worked tirelessly to bring the plight of Bankor to the galaxy. The Senate was reluctant to act, so soon after the peace treaty and it would take constant lobbying and pulling every string she could manage to get forces committed to the endeavor.

Once it became a reality she decided to join the effort personally to show the people of Bankor that the Republic has not forgotten about them. She has no interest in runnig the local government but very interested in who is in control and would prefer someone who work closely with the central government.

As a person, Saresh is personable but sometimes seen as opportunistic. She is rarely not On, especially in public. She chooses her words carefully and can come off a bit distant and scripted when around the general public. Despite that she does get along well with people and has opted for a more rugged and functional aesthetic while on Bankor, though she has the more impressive wardrobe waiting when the time comes.

  • The senator spends much of her time on Coruscant, maybe you have worked with her in the past?
  • Interested in politics or forming political ties with Bankor, she is always looking to build relationships.
  • Leontyne is outspoken on the plight of twi'leks in the galaxy, she works to improve conditions for the under represented regardless of species.
  • Senator Saresh never shies away from hard work or danger, it makes her more approachable.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:38 am

Republic Military Rank Structure

Enlisted Rank Structure
  • Private
  • Private 1st Class
  • Specialist
  • Sergeant
  • Staff Sergeant
  • Technical Sergeant
  • Master Sergeant
  • Sergeant Major

Enlisted soldiers can join without any secondary education requirements, they form the bulk of the forces and fulfill a variety of combat and noncombat roles. In general players should not start higher than Sergeant, if they are in the armed forces. Sergeant and higher are considered Non-Commissioned Officers, NCO and are essentially leadership positions though secondary to Officers.

Commissioned Officer Structure
  • Ensign
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Colonel
  • Commander
  • Brigadier General/Brigadier Admiral
  • Major General/Rear Admiral
  • Lieutenant General/Vice Admiral
  • General/Admiral

Commissioned Officers require secondary education, usually four to six years of University or equivalent. All pilots are Officers and command staff are usually officers. At the upper ranks there is a slight divide, Ship based Officers at General rank or higher are called Admirals. In general players should not start higher than Major if they are an officer in the armed forces.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Nekoinu » Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:13 am

More redshirts to show off:

Dewwarr.png (67.33 KiB) Viewed 15108 times

Dewwarr wrote:Dewwarr is a Mandalorian serving under the so-called Crusader's Schism. While it may be unwise to point out the stereotype, he is a Wookiee that does best in the thick of battle with his vibro-axe.

Abner.png (63.84 KiB) Viewed 15108 times

Abner Aldo wrote:Abner Aldo was given the post of Lieutenant despite having little to no formal military training. He is a skilled technician but is seemingly uninterested in the war effort.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:22 pm


When Trust reaches 3.5 or higher the Republic unlocks a Perk for that given Campaign that is in effect as long as Trust stays above 3.5 at the start of the day. The GM will roll a 1d10 and apply whichever Perk is rolled to the Campaign. Perks are rolled only once per campaign so say they start the first day with it then drop on Day 2 and then regain Trust of 3.5 or higher on Day 3 the same Perk that applies for both Day 1 and Day 3. These perks only apply when on the surface of Bankor, they do not apply in Space.

None of these Perks can be saved; they are used up at the end of that current Campaign. These Perks only apply to Missions.

Resistance Perks
  1. Advance Recon: Due to the Intelligence of the Resistance, the team has advanced knowledge that is crucial to the Mission. In Non-combat Missions gain 1 free success on a single skill check; in a Combat encounter one player may upgrade a single Combat check once.
  2. Medical Supplies: Each player has a single free use of a Stimpack for the duration of the Campaign; Droids utilize the Droid equivalent to a Stimpack.
  3. Extra Munitions: Each player has a single use of Extra Reload for the duration of the Campaign.
  4. Combat Support: A Resistance Sniper has setup a position in view of the combat Mission. As a maneuver a single player can signal the Sniper to strike a target, see below for the Sniper statistics and this can be done only once per combat encounter.
  5. Moral Support: The Resistance offers support but not much in tangible goods, but the thought counts. Each Mission one player may add a boost die to a single check.
  6. Resistance Irregulars: A squad of three Resistance fighters joins the combat, a Minion group of three joins every combat mission and act on the last initiative slot. See stats below.
  7. Mysterious Stranger: During a combat Mission if the enemy rolls a Despair on a check that Despair will proc the Mysterious Stranger, a Jawa with a big blaster pistol. That enemy is killed by the Mysterious Stranger unless they are a Nemesis instead they take 10 wounds with Pierce 2. This can be procced multiple times in the same combat.
  8. Farmer's Market: The Resistance offers the Republic forces fresh food and supplies, this greatly invigorates the Strike Force. All players may add a Boost die to one roll in a Non-Combat Mission.
  9. Explosive Support: The Resistance offers up some powerful equipment, each player gains one free use of a Frag Grenade.
  10. Street Warfare: One Player may utilize an Anti-Personnel Mine per combat encounter, due to the resources of the Resistance.

Combat Supper Sniper: Agility 3 & Ranged: Heavy 3; Sniper Rifle (Ranged Heavy, Damage 12, Critical 3, Range [Long], Pierce 2, Accurate 1), can only make one shot per encounter shoots as if at Long Range.

Resistance Fighter [Minion]: Brawn 2, Agility 2, Intellect 2, Cunning 2, Willpower 2, Presence 2; Soak Value 3, Wound Threshold 5; Skills (Group Only) - Melee, Heavy Ranged, Vigilance; Abilities - Guerrilla Tactics (Gain 1 extra Defense from utilizing Cover); Equipment - Blaster Rifle (Ranged Heavy, Damage 9, Critical 3, Range Long, Stun Setting), Combat Knife (Melee, Damage 3, Critical 3, Range Engaged), Street Clothes (+1 Soak).
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:30 pm

Reprising Characters

All Republic and Neutral characters are allowed at this game. No character from this game will be allowed in the next game, Ziost, which starts the second Trilogy. Neutral characters have lots of flexibility but if they are present at a single faction game they cannot join the next solo faction. So if a Neutral character goes to the Imperial game on Ziost, they will not be able to also go to the Republic game on Alderaan. This is just to keep new faces coming and going in the series.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:00 pm

Characters: Returning characters are free to reprise and new characters will be built on the standard point total and then add 130 experience points. All characters will start with 20 Duty. Players can subtract 5 Duty to start with a ship. New players will also receive one of the following: 4000 extra credits or 1000 extra Credits and 2 Signature items like a Lightsaber or Special Armor. Only one of the signature items can be a weapon, two lightsabers or a double bladed lightsaber counts as two signature items.

Minimum starting Duty is 5.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Jan 11, 2018 6:30 pm

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Badera Varn

A veteran of many conflicts across the galaxy, First Sergeant Badera Varn is the consummate Republic Trooper. She cut her teeth on Balmorra, earning a reputation of a no-nonsense dedicated soldier willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. She is assigned to the Aurek Falcon Strike Force as a quartermaster and is in charge of logistics, supplies, and requisitions for soldiers in the field.

She was chosen for the job as she has many contacts on Bankor, not a native, but a well traveled and resourceful woman. If she ever separates from the military she probably has a future as a smuggler.

  • Badera was stationed all across the Outer Rim, maybe you knew her then?
  • Badera has many female lovers across the galaxy, maybe you dated once?
  • She comes from a lineage that once claimed to be Mandalorian.
  • She loves weapons and loves talking equipment and customizations.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:21 pm

Merchants and Shopping

Shopping and getting new equipment is a part of the heroic life and this game is no different. These rules supersede the old rules at Nar Shaddaa. In general a given shop/location will have a rarity cap, this will be clearly listed and means that gear above that cap cannot be bought at a legitimate seller without having the talent Black Market Contacts which can allow you to go above the Rarity cap. Legitimate sellers will not sell Restricted equipment, for that you have to find the Black Market.

The Black Market

The Black Market is not an organization or single crime syndicate; it is a loose but small league of sellers and buyers of illicit and illegal goods. They have no qualms selling Restricted goods to anyone if they have the Credits. But first you have to find them in a given region this is a Daunting Streetwise check that can be done once per time slot, if the roll is failed it can be tried again but it upgrades a die as people get more and more suspicious of the character.

Characters with Black Market Contacts talent can bypass and find the Black Market automatically. Once found the player can go there during hours of operation, they can also be brought there by another who has or knows where it is. The Black Market has their own Rarity cap and restricted equipment can be purchased here at a minimum of 2 times the normal cost in credits, this is reduced to 1.5 times for someone with Black Market Contacts, each additional rank reducing that by .1, so for Example if they have 2 ranks of Black Market Contacts that reduces the cost to 1.4 times the original cost.

Just like normal shops you can exceed the Rarity Cap with Black Market Contacts, all normal rules apply. Each regional Black Market is different, so read the description as some have additional modifiers or differences or even different equipment available.


If you somehow offend the Black Market by trying to use the Force to get a better deal or stealing from them then there is a very high probability you will be Blacklisted. When Blacklisted you can not use any of the Black Markets on a given world and are effectively locked out of all Black Markets even if you have Black Market Contacts.

Selling Equipment

When selling equipment it can be sold at ¼ the normal price, with a successful Negotiation check, and 2 successes, that increases to ½, and three more successes on that check increases it to ¾ the normal cost.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:40 pm

Jo runs a special Black Market shop that sets up for a few hours and then is gone. Unlike others though he advertises though various forms of media which means his shop can be found by anyone during the time slots it is open. This will usually only be once per session.

Jo’s Outfitting

Rarity Cap: 6
Price Adjustment: None, he prides himself on low prices.
Hours of Operation: Special, Varies
Equipment Restrictions: None

What makes Jo’s Outfitting special is that he will offer up his specialty stock which can be purchased with Credits or Duty. These will be modded weapons or armor or exotic gear that has unique traits/abilities. These are first come and first served. One cannot reduce Duty below 5 if they choose to spend Duty on this gear.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:12 pm

Requisitions can be made of Badera Varn, these come in two types minor and major requisitions.

Minor Requisitions: For 1 Duty, she can provide them with a stimpack, extra Ammo, a Frag or Stun Grenade, or Extra Uniform (Heavy Clothing). This cannot lower your Duty below 5.

Major Requisitions: If the Duty score for a Squad reaches 100 then one of the uses of Contribution is to Requisition equipment. A player can Requisition up to three items totaling 2500 credits times their Contribution Rank. So if this is their first Contribution then the rank would be 1, and if this is their second then it would be 2 and they would have 5000 credits to spend and so on.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:30 pm

When your squad exceeds Duty 100 they can turn in that Duty as Contribution to the Republic strike force. This can be done for one of three things, and unlike the book is an individual process; they can contribute for a Major Requisition from Badera Varn. They can also contribute to the Strike Force increasing Power by 2 times their current Contribution Rank, so for example if they are Contribution Rank 2 then they would increase Power by 4. They can also increase Trust with the Resistance by .2 plus an additional .2 Trust per Contribution Rank. So as above if they have Contribution Rank 2 they would add .4 Trust.

Once this is done Duty Resets for the squad to 0, each member has a score of 0 and can build it back up again.
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