Liberation of Bankor

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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:58 pm

Jo's Select Stock


Big Salli (Heavy Blaster Rifle): Ranged (Heavy), Damage 10, Crit 2, Range Long, Encum 6, HP 2, Price 8500 (R) or 10 Duty, Rarity 6, Special: Auto Fire+, Cumbersome 3, Superior [Auto Fire+: Does not increase the Difficulty when engaging Auto Fire, but it jams on 3 threat or Despair. Requires Hard Mechanics check to fix.]

Old Guard (Laminate Armor): Defense 0, Soak 2, Price 13,000 or 13 Duty, Encum 5, Hard Points 1, Rarity 6, Special: Cortosis Weave, Only the Strong [Only the Strong: Must have Brawn 4, if lower than Brawn 4 then character suffers 1 upgrade to the Difficulty of all Combat checks, Athletics checks, and Coordination checks per each point of Brawn they lack below 4.]
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:25 pm

Victory Conditions

Each campaign has its own victory conditions; until the Victory Condition is met the region is considered Contested. This means that enemy forces are still active even if the commander is removed from play.

Once victory is met the region becomes Controlled, often opening up new areas to explore or visit without fear of reprisal or attack. There is also a Global Victory condition and when this reaches 100 it means that victory is assured for the Republic on Bankor

It should be noted that the Republic can go above and beyond the local Victory conditions, if they so choose. Global Victory takes into account the sum of all Victory Conditions for each completed campaign.


Starting a thread in a region that is contested requires a Hard resilience check or suffer 4 wounds due to combat and wartime conditions. This is increased by 1 for every 2 threat rolled and a Critical Injury is incurred on a Despair. Missions and Events in Contested areas do not require this role.


These are areas that are under the control of the Republic and are safe areas for role play, this should always include the Resistance Camps and the Republic Encampment.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:05 pm

55.jpg (11.53 KiB) Viewed 10133 times


A local commercial pilot, sometimes smuggler, most times legitimate business woman, Lelia is a popular local figure. She joined up with the Bankor Resistance to help the world of her birth. She feels a great deal of compassion for her neighbors. Raised on the streets, she does not have much memory of her birth family and has a more street mentality with a heart of gold.

She knows a great deal about Bankor, places on and off the beaten path and a skilled pilot. Her ship the Verak Zephyr is a nimble craft capable of hauling goods quickly around the system. She has taken it upon herself to be the official liaison between the Republic and the Bankor Resistance. She does not hide the fact she is Force sensitive but she does not like to talk about it.

  • Moved trade goods in the Bankor system, then you may know Lelia.
  • From Bankor, especially the urban settings, you may know Lelia.
  • Lelia is an amateur gearhead and loves to work on restoring old speeders on the side.
  • Lelia is curious about the Jedi.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:15 am

Victory Conditions

  • Global Victory 101+: Heroic Victory, the forces of the Republic and Resistance thoroughly route the Mandalorians and are hailed as heroes by the Senate. Each member with Contribution Rank 2 or higher is hailed as a war hero and is granted a bonus end Goal that must either strengthen the Republic or grant them a Power Base.
  • Global Victory 95-100: Republic Victory, the Mandalorians are eventually pushed off Bankor and the people are liberated. The Resistance is emboldened and rises up globally and in a matter of months a new government is in place.
  • Global Victory 70-94: Costly Campaign and eventual Victory, despite their best efforts the Mandalorians dig in and with their success in stymying the Republic and Resistance more come to fight in the protracted campaign which drags more Republic resources in the matter. The campaign will last months and perhaps years before victory is eventually found. This draw resources from other crisis that affect the Republic.
  • Global Victory 69 or Below: Defeat, the Republic faces a crushing defeat and the conflict proves politically unpopular. Bankor falls to the Mandalorians and the Republic Senate washes their hands of the affair. The Republic Forces return home in defeat and the Resistance is scattered.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Alysele Cortess » Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:03 am

Dapper Dog wrote:Victory Conditions

Each campaign has its own victory conditions; until the Victory Condition is met the region is considered Contested. This means that enemy forces are still active even if the commander is removed from play.

Once victory is met the region becomes Controlled, often opening up new areas to explore or visit without fear of reprisal or attack. There is also a Global Victory condition and when this reaches 100 it means that victory is assured for the Republic on Bankor

It should be noted that the Republic can go above and beyond the local Victory conditions, if they so choose. Global Victory takes into account the sum of all Victory Conditions for each completed campaign.


Starting a thread in a region that is contested requires a Hard resilience check or suffer 4 wounds due to combat and wartime conditions. This is increased by 1 for every 2 threat rolled and a Critical Injury is incurred on a Despair. Missions and Events in Contested areas do not require this role.


These are areas that are under the control of the Republic and are safe areas for role play, this should always include the Resistance Camps and the Republic Encampment.

Can we roll Stealth instead of Resilience to show sneaking through a zone?
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:10 am

Good suggestion I will allow it.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Nekoinu » Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:22 pm

(Pardon the lack of pictures. Stupid desktop isn't working properly ATM. You've seen them, anyways!)

Lieutenant Vera Ordo
The Mandalorian Irregulars are not mercenaries hired by the Republic. They are a full-fledged, if not unorthodox, platoon in the Republic Military under the watchful eye of Captain Alderaan. Naturally, this comes with an official rank and responsibility, which Vera has surprisingly acclimated well to. Even if she is not the best commander, her comrades have not expressed any mutinous inclinations.

Her unit is still in the process of adjusting to the command structure. Though they are individually effective as combatants and stealth tactics, their coordination is lacking. Fortunately, these problems are eased when a more capable leader assumes control, something which is not always an option.

  • Are you a member of the Mandalorian Irregulars? Then she is your commanding officer!
  • Were you a bounty hunter in Hutt-controlled Space? You may have heard of her (and definitely her sister, Thera)
  • The unit has gained some fame due to its progressive nature. Enlisted Mandalorians!
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:49 pm

Vain Taskar.jpg
Vain Taskar.jpg (9.27 KiB) Viewed 10069 times

A man of many talents, Vain Taskar has left Nar Shaddaa and turned his skills at being a private detective into a career of freelance journalism for a variety of Republic based news outlets. His history is difficult to track, he tends to just pop up where he is least expected and vanishes. What is known about him is that he can find people, and find stories with uncanny ease.

There are rumors about the man that he is an SIS agent, or an Imperial spy… or a Hutt agent provocateur. Others say that he is just a two-bit conman with a killer smile. What is known is that he has an eye for striking holo-images and his work is in demand back in the Republic.

  • Vain has a talent for finding people or useful information.
  • Maybe you were on Nar Shaddaa and recognize him from his private detective days?
  • He always knows a good place to eat.
  • Need a good holo-journalist, he is your man.
  • His current pet project is doing biographies of soldiers on Bankor, want an interview?
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:47 am

Military Justice and Discipline

The Republic Armed Forces are a professional army with a high standard of honor and discipline, though not as draconian or punitive as Imperial forces they still demand a high level of excellence and discipline. Not every solder meets these conditions and thus there is a system of justice and discipline. In general higher ranked officers, commissioned or non-commissioned, with direct authority of subordinates are responsible for discipline and order. In the field this tends to be confinement to quarters, reduction in pay, additional duties, and/or additional training.

Matters are usually handled at the lowest levels for most offenses but serious offenses may go to the commanding officer who may offer more substantive punishments such as removal from duty, imprisonment, expulsion, or in ties of conflict execution. The Republic does not lightly execute soldiers this is reserved for offenses of treason or gross negligence that ends with the deaths of Republic personnel or endangerment to the mission as a whole.

Civilian personnel are not subject to the same standards but can still be punished for infractions and removed from duty if the infraction is sever enough. In general civilians are expected to follow the Rules of Engagement and the Republic’s Laws of Armed Conflict especially when acting under the guise of the Republic Military.

One exception to this treatment is the Jedi. The Order the Jedi has a long standing relationship with the military and have even been given dispensation to act as military officers in times of crisis, even so, the Republic Military has no authority over Jedi and all infractions must go through the Jedi Council who usually recall or investigate the accused Jedi. It can complicate matters if there is an incident but such occurrences are thankfully rare.

In-Game Consequences

For the purposes of the game if your character is punished for a military infraction typically it will be Extra duty, Confinement to Quarters, or Reduced pay. Extra Duty just means they may have to spend 1 to 3 thread time slots in a given location doing whatever it is they have been assigned, they can still conduct RP but it should reflect they are there doing some kind of labor in that location. Confinement to quarters means they cannot leave their sleeping quarters unless it is for official duties, mission or events, for the entire day and these will usually be a single day. Reduced Pay will reduce their Duty score by 2 to 7 points depending on the severity of the infraction.

The GMs will be clear about the punishment and any other details if needed. In general this will be very military-lite, but any gross disrespect to commanding officers or criminal acts will often engender a punishment. Execution can happen if the character decides to willingly impede the mission or turnover secrets or some other gross act of treason.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:34 am

More NPCs

Lunda Mae.jpg
Lunda Mae.jpg (9.8 KiB) Viewed 9919 times

Lunda is a talented Jedi padawan, a bit reckless and plays fast and loose with the Jedi Code but a good soul and well liked. She is smart and well trained and never really feels challenged. Her master, Jedi Master Vandu Pix believes that this conflict is the perfect crucible to allow the young Jedi to mature and understand the consequences of her actions.

She is eager to prove herself and also quite taken aback by how attractive the Republic uniform is. Lunda wants to be a good Jedi but she sometimes feels that all the rules get in the way.

  • Jedi may know of the promising student of Vandu Pix.
  • Lunda spent most of her time on Coruscant, maybe you met her there?
  • Lunda has a strong gift for seeing the future.

Thazis Kin.jpg
Thazis Kin.jpg (15.13 KiB) Viewed 9919 times

The heroic leader of the Bankor Resistance, Thazos is strong and courageous. An ex-Republic soldier, he served for eight years before he separated working in the Outer Rim as a mercenary before returning home after his sister was executed. He has used his tactical training to give the Bankor Resistance much needed discipline. He leads from the field and although he lacks a far reaching vision he makes up for that with sheer commitment to the cause and courageous zeal.

Thazos is rarely idle and he always tends to lend his efforts where the fighting is hardest. He is a bit of an outsider as he has been gone for so long but he has proved himself many times over and those that serve with him would follow him to Hell if need be.

  • Thazos is a veteran maybe you have served with him the past?
  • He loves a good Hutt Ball match!
  • Thazos is very interested in matters that affect the Zabrak people of Bankor
  • Vera Hawke is his favorite show, and he has seen every episode at least twice.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:46 pm

Final Dapper Dog Major NPC Preview

Gena Yon
Gena Yon-small.jpg
Gena Yon-small.jpg (10.77 KiB) Viewed 9880 times

At one time a nursing student at a university on Bankor, she never had a chance to graduate and now works with the Bankor Resistance as a medic and freedom fighter though she does not like resorting to violence and fighting in general. She is young in appearance and was only a second year student before the war. Despite that she is a calm and collected operative and has a variety of skills that have made her useful to the resistance.

Her family was killed in the early days of the fighting so all she has is the resistance. She works tirelessly and despite her youth has a position of some leadership within the resistance, and the respect and admiration of her peers for her work.

  • Need to get patched up, Gena can get you back into the fight.
  • Gena wants a peaceful solution to the fighting, she hates the suffering.
  • She is young despite her maturity, and likes to hear about new things or exotic places.
  • Not exactly a gossip, but she tends to know a lot about the people in the Resistance.

Yanos Kin
50.jpg (14.27 KiB) Viewed 9880 times

Joint leader of the Resistance, Yanos is a thinker and not a soldier. He prefers to leave the fighting to his older brother and others more suited to the task. He is not a charismatic man in the typical sense but very analytical and can deduce a problem long before anyone else even realizes there is an issue. He worked with the Bankor Resistance before his sister died but became a guiding force after her execution. He provides guidance and more importantly the will to do the underhanded things that others may not have the stomach for.

He is respected though not exactly loved and comes off as a bit detached and even bewildered by common social interaction. Unlike his brother he concerns himself with the future of the movement and post-liberation Bankor, of which he wants to be an integral part.

  • Are you from Bankor? Maybe you met Yanos at University?
  • In his free time he dabbles in art in a variety of ways, though sculpture seems to be his favorite medium.
  • Yanos can be extreme, maybe he had someone you know killed on suspicion of being a Mandalorian sympathizer?
  • Yanos is interested in the future of Bankor and its role in the Republic.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:36 am

Current Bankor President
President Valoj.jpg
President Valoj.jpg (38.33 KiB) Viewed 9858 times

Put in power by the Mandalorian forces, President Yugor Valoj, he runs the day to day affairs of the government such that it is in the name of the Mandalorian invasion force. He is a ruthless politician who schemed his way to the top, or so they say and now runs the puppet government mostly to enrich himself and make sure he is in a good position to take advantage of the situation for himself and family.

He is hated by the Bankor Resistance and the feeling is mutual, he feels their continued interference will only bring more misery than good.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:47 am

Official Start Date

With changes to the summer games and unfortunate delays, we have decided to move the Star Wars game, the final game of the first trilogy, Liberation of Bankor to June 1st of 2018, with character submissions beginning the 26th of May and a Pre-Game beginning on the 30th of May.

This is a Republic focused game in the era of the Old Republic as depicted in the Star Wars Old Republic MMO, though the cannon has deviated but characters from the game and setting show up.

We welcome new players and may the Force be with you.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Apr 09, 2018 3:33 am

RSF-17E - Spitfire.jpg
RSF-17E - Spitfire.jpg (24.2 KiB) Viewed 9817 times

RSF-17E "Spitfire"

The Spitfire has been in service for nearly two decades and has proven itself a stable and versatile fighter. The current version, RSF-17E, has seen some refinements with greater range and maneuverability it is the mainstay fighter of the Republic especially in the core worlds.

It had a bad reputation as a hangar when it first debuted but that was due more to a lack of training for the mechanics than a failing of the design. Now it is well regarded and more than a match for the lighter Imperial fighters. One of the main advantages is the inbuilt hyperdrive system that gives it incredible range and versatility.

This the standard space fighter for the strike force on Bankor.

Silhouette 3; Speed 5; Handling +1; Defenses (Forward 1/Port 0/Starboard 0/Aft 1) Armor 3; HT Threshold 10; SS Threshold 10

Hull Type/Class: Starfighter/RSF-17E
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2; Secondary: None
Navicomputer: None - Droid Socket
Sensor Range: Close
Ship's Complement: One Pilot, Droid Co-Pilot
Encumbrance Capacity: 10
Passenger Capacity: 0
Consumables: 1 week
Price/Rarity: 100,000 credits/5
Customization Hard Points: 1
Weapons: Wing Mounted Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Arc Forward); Range Close, Dam 6, Crit 3, Linked 1
Forward Mounted Proton Torpedo Launchers (Fire Arc Forward); Range Short, Dam 8, Crit 2, Blast 6, Breach 6, Guided 2, Limited Ammo 4 , Linked 1, Slow-Firing 1
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:27 pm

Chief Po'xin.jpg
Chief Po'xin.jpg (15.65 KiB) Viewed 9798 times

Having had thirty-three years of service, Chief Po’xin has been around the galaxy and back. He was supposed to retire three years ago but stayed on because he genuinely loves the job and he has a great deal of respect for Commander Malcom. Born out in the Outer Rim, he has raised a family and is now a grandfather a few times over. He treats his people like family and is well liked even if he can be demanding.

He is technical but not a gearhead, he tends to be by the book and he has read every manual at least twice and knows the regulations. He runs a tight crew but knows when to ease up and when to push. He is also no stranger to loss in his personal and professional life and that has given him a perspective that gives him some useful, if foul mouthed, wisdom.

  • He has been around maybe you served with him at some point?
  • If you are a pilot or need repairs, his crew is in charge, best to be on good side?
  • Need some advice, the Chief always has a lending ear for guidance.
  • Remember the good ol’ days? Chief Po’xin remembers.
  • This should hopefully be his last tour, but he has been saying that for the last three years.
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Re: Liberation of Bankor

Postby Nekoinu » Thu May 03, 2018 11:26 pm

Two major groups of Mandalorians are on Bankor to aid the Republic in combating the forces of Varo Kryze. Both are speculated to be instrumental in the coming battles and maintaining relations is of major concern.

Crusader's Schism
Centuries ago, Mandalore the Preserver reunited the Mandalorians for the cause of supporting the Republic against the Sith. Although a majority of them are ignorant of or even oppose such an edict, the Mandalorians underneath Jicoln Cadera remember it proudly. The most prominent allies of Clan Cadera are Clans Ordo, Itera, and Kelborn, though splinters from others certainly exist. On Bankor itself, Clan Chieftain Kyr'ad Kelborn leads the Mandalorians sworn to the cause.

Their relationship with the Republic is tenuous at best. The Mandalorians remain staunchly independent from the Republic and even disobey orders from Republic personnel they deem wrong. Relations with the Resistance are even worse, with incidents of friendly fire too frequent to be considered wholly accidental.

Mandalorian Irregulars
Unlike the Mandalorians under the Crusader's Schism, the Mandalorian Irregulars are officially members of the Republic Military. On Nar Shaddaa in 3656 BBY, Captain Niall Organa collaborated with now Lieutenant Vera Ordo to create the task force. Since then, they have served with the valor expected of their ilk and have even adapted to the standards expected of them as professional soldiers.

Their preferred tactics are as irregular as their allegiance to the Republic. Even before they signed on as soldiers, they were renowned or mocked for their prowess in black ops tactics, depending on the party asked. As such, their doings and numbers are often classified, but theorists imagine they cannot be too vast in number even with steady recruitment.

Finally, it is possible for mercenary groups outside of the two organizations to be helping the Republic as well. They are certainly less prominent and even less trusted. After all, who would trust a Mandalorian whose greatest loyalty is to the highest bidder?
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