Minor Non-Player Characters

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Re: Minor Non-Player Characters

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:01 pm

Lana Beniko
Lana Beniko.jpg
Lana Beniko.jpg (19.56 KiB) Viewed 5070 times

A young Sith aspirant, Lana is currently serving Darth Xevious, she is not yet Sith but the dark lord has high hopes for her. This puts her slightly at odds with his children who see her as stealing favor from them. The twins are not well disposed to her, she is quiet, observant and focused on her duties. She just turned fifteen and is still figuring things out on top of being a Sith; this journey to Nar Shaddaa is her first time outside Imperial space.
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Re: Minor Non-Player Characters

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:04 pm

Master Resmi Thun
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Resmi Thun is an old Jedi, a Jedi Master technically though she answers just fine to Jedi or Lady Thun... or the old gardener. She tends to the gardens in the Jedi Enclave and dispenses wisdom from her many years of service going back some eight decades. She has done and seen it all... fallen in love, tempted by the dark side, recovered... had a child... seen the galaxy. She feels this is where she needs to be, and finds a certain kind of peace on Nar Shaddaa.

She is always willing to listen, and always has an opinion.

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Re: Minor Non-Player Characters

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:09 pm

Dr. Tiskra
Dr. Tiskra.jpg
Dr. Tiskra.jpg (24.99 KiB) Viewed 5069 times

A licensed doctor, at least she has paperwork giving her license to work in the Empire and Republic, at one time she worked for a big time hospital but left that life to run her clinic here in the Red Light District on Nar Shaddaa called the Full Body Salon where she does surgeries, basic care, and cybernetic enhancements. She pays her protection fees and has many friends, but she never shares what she knows. She has competitive prices and suppliers that get her the latest gear, and she is very bipartisan.

Credits talk.
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Re: Minor Non-Player Characters

Postby Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 03, 2017 4:47 pm

Jin Vaya
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She’s kind of a big deal, you have seen her… and if you have not well you have seen her because honestly you know Jin Vaya, the hottest ticket on the vids. She is Vera Hawke: Jedi Knight and she has her signature smile and personality always on point. On Nar Shaddaa for a convention appearance, you won’t meet her, she only hangs out the most exclusive locales.
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Re: Minor Non-Player Characters

Postby Nekoinu » Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:09 am


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This Republic SIS agent masquerades as a typical bar hopper on the Smuggler's Moon. Flirtatious and cunning, her presence goes unnoticed unless she explicitly wishes to be remembered. Her position, therefore, is mainly information retrieval and dispersion. Although she is willing to be flexible, her ultimate goals are the betterment of the Galactic Republic.
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Sath Kwa'to

Postby Nekoinu » Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:22 am

Sath Kwa'to

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Sath Kwa'to, in his prime, was a phenomenal field agent of the Republic Strategic Information Service. He offered the Galactic Republic discretion unheard of, be it in eliminating targets or accessing systems. His handler during his employment with the spy agency was none other than Matthias Norsoa.

During the Great Galactic War, he discovered an Imperial assault upon a Czerka research station, an old one for Project: Evolution. At the time, he was not privy to any research details; it was on a need-to-know basis. However, despite his efforts, the station was overrun by enemy forces. It was then that he received the order from his handler to make backups of the data, wipe it, and then release the captive rakghouls upon the facility to ensure no Imperial survivors. He complied without question, going far enough to seal the escape of any fleeing personnel and hunting any starships down with his fighter.

He then was ordered to execute any of the surviving Czerka crew he had rescued from the turmoil. Again, without question, he complied with his orders.

Upon returning to Coruscant, he was immediately arrested under accusations of conspiracy to create a bioweapon and executing innocent civilians. In essence, he would take the fall for Matthias' plans. With his image ruined, the Bothan escaped trial and fled Republic space.

Some had called him a terrorist so that was the role that he took. He enlisted the aid of other former SIS agents betrayed by the government they served dutifully and formed what would today be known as Crescent Shadow.
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