Moyr Ahaya wrote:[What's the difficulty of the chasing? Can I add the awarded Boost to Athletics?]
OOC: Are you chasing the figure or running away? If chasing it is Daunting due to the huge lead but yes you can get a boost die.
Moyr Ahaya wrote:[What's the difficulty of the chasing? Can I add the awarded Boost to Athletics?]
Moyr Ahaya wrote:MN1. Athletics, Continued.: 1eB+4eD 2 failures, 2 threat
MN1. Athletics. Enhance. +1 Dark Pip.: 2eA+1eF 2+1 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Light Side
Net: 1 success, 1 threat!
It looked like Moyr was catching up...
Dapper Dog wrote:The Nikto stay their hands as the leader says, "We don't know anything about that, and if we did we ain't saying... I tell you what. You respect our space and we respect yours. Have a drink of Vogu, friend."
One of the Nikto tosses him an old ceramic jug with sloshing liquid inside.
OOC: Moyr can run away the Nikto are not following, they like this Pantoran and his moxie.
Durasay Mixo wrote:Durasay caught the ceramic jug, flourishing his blaster as a gunslinger before holstering it. "For honor and glory, friends!" He bellowed in Huttese once more, before taking a good long drink of the strong stuff.
"You and the Scarlet Suns will have no issues with me or mine. I hope you'll invite me to your next party." He was still easy going, tossing back the ceramic jug.
Inwardly, he cursed. It felt like a lead was slipping from his fingers. At least he had diffused a gun fight.
Moyr Ahaya wrote:"Has Lana Beniko arrived? Are you onto the body?" Moyr was breathing heavily after the run.