by Ashla Vyliis » Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:44 am
Ashla looks into his trusting eyes and hates herself. She's using him. But she doesn't stop. After all, if he is Force Sensitive, it's better he go to the Jedi than the Sith or whatever is hunting Force Sensitive children. The thought didn't make her feel better. But he was asking a question.
"Because we can. I'm not a very good Jedi, I do selfish things sometimes. But I'm going to take you to meet one. I was a slave like you once. I know it can be awful. I don't want you to go through that. I don't want anyone to." Ashla was shocked more than anyone that she meant it. "Me and you can understand what others went through. We can use that to help them, so they don't have to suffer like we did. So, other children won't have to worry about beatings. The Jedi do their best to stop suffering. We were given a great gift. We should use to help others."
Republic * "Doctor" * Unwilling Jedi Padawan * Morally Flexible * Force Sensitive * Soresu Defender
Equipment: Lightsaber, Physician's Kit
Languages: Huttese, Togruti