Baras clashes with Layne their blades crackling with each contact and even as she finds advantage he quickly deflects the blade away from his vital regions but still suffers a a distracting sizzling laceration to his shoulder.
Her Master hisses, “Good… you have grown strong indeed.”
He is a cunning fighter as the Layne-Bot activates and charges into battle. He easily raises his weapon to counter the strike and then begins an assault on Layne with finesse and precision each strike probing her defenses, until he finds an opening and exploits it to deadly effect.
He disarms his apprentice and catches her blade in midair igniting it and says, “You think you are my equal?”
The droid clashes with Darth Baras who finds a way to reduce the damage to something far less lethal and then the cunning Sith takes advantage of the droid’s eagerness and knocks it flat with a kick and a shove through the force.
OOC: Baras knows no fear. 3 advantage to disarm, spending 2 advantage for a free maneuver to grab her weapon and the Triumph to critical her. He does a total of 13 wounds, Breach 1. Layne Bot hits for 11 wounds, Parry used to reduce that to 5 wounds and then the bot is knocked prone and grants Baras a boost die against it.
Baras suffers 5 wounds after Parry and has suffer 5 strain.
Darth Baras Fear check:
4eP+1eA 2 successes, 3 advantageDarth Baras Fear check:
2eD 0 successes, 3 threatDarth Baras - Lightsaber + Aim:
5eP+1eA+2eB+3eD+1eS 4 successes, 5 advantage, 1 TriumphLayne-Bot vs. Baras:
2eP+1eA+2eC+1eD+3eS 3 successes, 4 threat