Niall complied, stepping out of the vehicle. He wore a cloak over his Republic uniform, but he let it fall open, revealing its proud blues. He stood squarely in front of the assembled troops, his expression serious.
"I don't know exactly what this is about. But I think I can guess." His voice was pitched to carry, stern and strong. "You were ordered to bring me in. Stop me, stop my mission. And that's what good Republic soldiers do, follow orders."
He tilted his chin up. "But that's not all that Republic soldiers do. They protect the innocent. They help the weak. And most importantly, they do what's right. While the Empire might turn against itself, but the Republic stands together. I've fought and bled next to men and women who died defending what's right. If you ever want to know what the price of freedom is, you only have to look at Monument Plaza on Coruscant to know that it's too high."
He lowered his chin once more, meeting the eyes of each trooper in turn, leader included. "But it's a price I would gladly pay myself. And I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only one."
No, you move. Leadership on leader, boost from being captain, boost from Arali:
2eP+2eA+3eC+1eD+2eB 5 successes, 4 threatNo, you move. Leadership on minions, boost from being captain, boost from Arali, cancel setback:
2eP+2eA+2eC+1eD+2eB 1 success, 2 advantage, 1 Despair