Vec Gunnar wrote:There was a slight pause from Vec when she mentioned something about the authorities and staying on the move, knowing there was a full story there somewhere. However, he wasn't going to ask. "There's value in that, yeah? Must be something to end up training with children."
Now that he thought about it, how old was this woman exactly? He couldn't exactly tell with Togruta and their bold stripes on their faces.
He took a small sip of the drink that provided. "Thanks. I don't know if I know how things work everywhere. I'm not a Jedi but I've been around. That's sometimes a side effect when it comes to medals, not all the time. When you have that much brass, you have more weight on you to push things around and it also tilts you. My opinion doesn't mean much when I've got nothing to show for it in metal, unfortunately. I just got a job to do."
"No clue, really." he gave a hapless shrug as he looked at the crowd of people at the club. It still seemed like a strange venue to be having a meeting, he would have pictured this would have transpired in a board room. "I'd imagine that you'll go home and I'll go home, craziness notwithstanding. It'd be really lousy if something bold happened here, I'm sure there's a certain percentage fee the Hutts will take from us if that happened." Maybe that's what they're hoping to cash in on.
Ashla herself was quite young. Older than the Jedi would like, but still probably considered a child on many planets. "I find those on the ground often have the best view. But I was talking about if these talks will lead to anything. Personally, I have would like to find peace between our people, but I haven't actually fought in the war. You have. I want to know what you think."
While Vec was about to respond newcomers approach.
She nods to the Sith-sith. "Ashla Vyliis, nice to meet ya." And then she makes her own introductions. "This is Cole Ormont, a surgeon for the Republic navy. He's.... I guess you would call it mentor. This is Sergeant Gunnar."