by Remmington Thalalas » Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:56 am
Been there. Saw it twice.
I also have a documentary on Ka. I say documentary but it's only about 10 minutes of them talking before they show you the whole show.
Since Cirque originates in Montreal, they have a special deal with one of the French channels there. So I got that and another show... Quidlam I think it's called.
Also if you get a chance, watch Cavalia. Cavalia = Cirque + horses.
Sith | Force Sensitive | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Duelist | Mechanic | Charming | Hutt Ball Team: Valkyrie | Honourary Fett | Exp"The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."Carries: Backpack, Comlink (Handheld), Datapad, Glow Rod, Laminate Armour (Mandalorian), Lightsaber -
Gram, Respirator, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Utility Belt