Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:00 pm

A few of the students chuckled quietly at that. Corporal Harding showed the Jedi how to use the simulation. A tap brought up the interactions wheel, a circle divided into three segments, framing the icon of the medical corps. The segments were labelled: examine, inquire, gear.

The examine option brought up a number of options, such as rolling the collapsed soldier onto her back; while inquire ranged from shaking her and shouting 'hey, wake up' to asking if the soldier knew her name and rank. Gear brought up a list of the basic first aid supplies that would be available to the squad.
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GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:32 pm

The Jedi poked the examine option and perked her brow. "Should I move her? I heard that sometimes it's best not to."
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 16, 2017 6:44 pm

Cole squatted down next to the pair, "very good," he told the Jedi. "You have to be able to weigh the benefits of moving a patient against the potential to do more harm. May I recommend something?" he offered.
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OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 7:24 pm

"Uh, sure. I'm not really certain on how to go forward. Best to ask for help."
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:46 pm

"Let's start here," he suggests encouragingly, and taps back to the previous screen, selecting Inquire. "First, see if the patient is responsive, even if they're barely conscious, it still gives you something to go on. A responsive patient will have pulse and respiration, even if both of those things are critically endangered. Does that make sense?"
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OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:57 pm

"Oh. I thought we just assumed they were out of it." She then nodded. "Alright." She bopped the screen. "How are you miss?"
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:09 pm

"You should never assume," he says gently, shooting a look at Corporal Harding, who appears to be stifling a laugh. The simulated soldier groans, but doesn't appear to be aware of their surroundings, or that they are being addressed.

"The patient is responsive, but uncommunicative," Cole instructs, "what next?"
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OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:35 pm

"I suppose now we can do the assessment, right? And if it hurts I know what's wrong?"
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:40 pm

Cole nods, indicating for her to continue. The simulation was designed to react differently to every input, and he was happy to let the Jedi work through it. She would find that the wounded soldier had been hit with blaster fire and tried to patch themselves up without letting anyone know. The wound had been leaking slowly until the soldier had simply passed out.
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OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:48 pm

"Well this is why you tell the medics about your problem, huh?" She patted her shoulder. "When I got shot, I never tried to do it myself."
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:48 am

When everyone has completed the simulation, Cole ticks a few things off on his datapad. "Right, everyone, that's it for today. Thanks for attending, your C.O.s will have my report tomorrow."
Petty Officer | Navy Surgeon | Republic | Forever Alone | Profile

OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:11 am

O'nera looked sheepishly at Cole. "I don't think I accomplished anything. In fact, I probably held back my partner."
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:18 am

Cole pulls up some information on his datapad, "your patient survived, so that's a good start. But, more importantly: did you learn anything from the experience?"
Petty Officer | Navy Surgeon | Republic | Forever Alone | Profile

OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:21 am

"Medical stuff is hard? I told you Doc, I'm not very good at that sort of stuff. I talked to a padawan the other day, Baesal, and she's also skilled at something I'm not: techie stuff."
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:41 am

Cole put a hand on the young woman's shoulder and gave her a surprisingly charming, lopsided smile, "chin up, Jedi Aeser. You are skilled in many things that I am not. We all have our parts to play. You are a Jedi Knight, you have the Code and the Force to guide you."

More often than he was willing to admit, Cole wished that he was Force sensitive. He believed that his father would have treated him very differently, but he was well versed with that archaic saying about the colour of the grass in other people's yards, even if yards and fences was a thoroughly anachronistic concept.
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OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:47 am

"True But some Jedi are just good at everything." A pause. "And most of them are flawed. Master Mersl lives in a different reality than most people. Master Lorne refuses to see anything but his way. Master A'vuto is paranoid and yet aloof at the same time."

She looked up to him with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I'm ranting."
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:58 am

Encouragingly, "no one is good at everything, no matter how much it might seem that way." He thinks for a bit, "what's something you really enjoy doing?"
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OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:07 am

"Lightsaber combat," she admitted, still with the same smile, "I enjoy sparring more against my fellow Jedi than fighting Sith. I guess when facing my threads it's more like a sport."
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:25 am

"Maybe it's presumptuous, but I bet you're a good dancer."
Petty Officer | Navy Surgeon | Republic | Forever Alone | Profile

OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:41 am

O'nera blinked. "Dancer? Now what would make you think that?"
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:46 am

"Because I've seen lightsaber combat. It takes agility and balance. It flows. All you'd need is music."
Petty Officer | Navy Surgeon | Republic | Forever Alone | Profile

OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:47 am

"Oh. Oh that makes a lot of sense." A pause. "Depends on the form, I'd say. But yeah, I'm light on my feet and such. Can't say I've ever really danced before though." She let out a small laugh. "What're your hobbies then, Doc? Outside of the medic stuff, of course."
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:52 am

That stops him, his smile melting, "I don't, huh. I guess I don't have any."
Petty Officer | Navy Surgeon | Republic | Forever Alone | Profile

OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Nekoinu » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:57 am

"Sorry," she mumbled. She shifted in her seat. "Doing good work though, Doc. Um, and also I don't really do much else in my free time, if that helps at all."
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Re: Mandy Goes to Med School (D2 EE/ME, Side Job)

Postby Cole Ormont » Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:03 am

Shrugging, "I guess some of us just have to stick to what we're good at." He glances at his datapad, "not that this hasn't been great, and not that I want to be rude, but I've got these reports to write. It was really nice meeting, Jedi Aeser."
Petty Officer | Navy Surgeon | Republic | Forever Alone | Profile

OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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