by Dapper Dog » Sat Jun 17, 2017 3:39 pm
End of Round 1
The glowing rod drops into the water giving Craw something to swim for.
OOC: This will grant a boost die to trying to get out of the water, Athletics check at Average with a setback due to the water and the beast.
Craw is at engaged and the Acklay has Adversary 1, Upgrade one die on a attack roll against it to a Challenge die, and 2 melee defense! Craw will suffer 2 strain, at the end of his round, for each round he is underwater with the Acklay, he will need to spend two maneuvers to get out of engaged with the creature as well in a single round.
Init: PC, PC, NPC, PC
Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist