Player Made Location Thread

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Player Made Location Thread

Postby Arsele Girard » Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:09 pm

Kinda want to make a thread here so players can see what shops, bars, and other locations players have made, in case they wish to use them.

Pictures are nice, as are fluff details like decor and business hours. Which subforum the location is in will also allow me to add it to the list below.

Red Light District
- Bu Pukaa Chik Youngee (The Red Dancing Girl) (gentlemen's club)
- Ritts's (dance hall)
- Sol'nelo's (women's party/dance clothing)
- The Hollow (bar & lounge)
- The Menagerie (exotic animals & cantina)
- The Ripe Season (vegetarian restaurant)
Last edited by Arsele Girard on Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:51 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Neutral ¤ Lounge Singer ¤ Dancer ¤ Secret Life ¤ Alderaanian Noble <> Appearance; 19 y/o, 5'4", blonde hair in braid, blue eyes, pale skin
faces of Arsele: Lounge | Socialite | Around Town | Casual
Carries: concealment holster w/ 411 holdout blaster and shortened barrel, comm, datapad, stimpack.
Backpack (usually hidden on ship): static pistol, climbing gear, lock picking tools, utility belt, extra ammo, hunting goggles, fusion lantern.
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Re: Player Made Location Thread

Postby Arsele Girard » Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:45 pm


Location: Red Light District
Hours: EE - LN


Bu Pukaa Chik Youngee (Huttese for "The Red Dancing Girl") is an upscale gentlemen's club in Nar Shaddaa's red light district. Owned indirectly by Dango the Hutt through a subsidiary front, the club employs women from many different species.

Located at the end of a brightly lit alley, the Club employs specially brought in eunuch mercenary security to ensure no conflict of interest with the girls. The interior is mostly red with white ceilings, comfortable red chairs scattered around tables near round six dancing stages; At any time four to five of these stages usually have someone dancing and stripping on them.

Drinks are served by scantily clad waitresses from a well stocked back room. Other services are on a per minute basis: Having a dancer sit and talk/drink with you one on one is 1 credit a minute, doing so while sitting on your lap is 2, shoulder rubs and simple massaging is also 2, and a full on lap dance is 3. Girls can be paid to be taken for private shows for 10 credits a minute, with no additional fees past those doors. Note that those credits go to the establishment and not the girls, so tips are often given.

Note that Bu Pukaa Chik Youngee is NOT a brothel; Asking the girls for "services" past what is offered or off the clock is seen as insulting and is a good way to get thrown out if one is persistent in doing so. Also note that, despite being classified as a gentlemen's club, the Club does not discriminate in it's clients based on gender.
Neutral ¤ Lounge Singer ¤ Dancer ¤ Secret Life ¤ Alderaanian Noble <> Appearance; 19 y/o, 5'4", blonde hair in braid, blue eyes, pale skin
faces of Arsele: Lounge | Socialite | Around Town | Casual
Carries: concealment holster w/ 411 holdout blaster and shortened barrel, comm, datapad, stimpack.
Backpack (usually hidden on ship): static pistol, climbing gear, lock picking tools, utility belt, extra ammo, hunting goggles, fusion lantern.
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Arsele Girard
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Re: Player Made Location Thread

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 17, 2017 3:40 am

The Ripe Season.

The Restaurant itself was high end, at least for the lower city, a Tw'ilek run establishment by the name of 'The Ripe Season' The shop boasted of it's fresh produce, and most of the fare was vegetarian, though there was a good selection of meat dishes for those that preferred it. Reservations were not required, but they were encouraged, especially at peak hours.

The interior had plenty of plant life present, making it seem a bit less drab then the normal restaurant in this part of the city. It did close doors relatively early though, probably in a effort to keep out undesirable elements.

((Hours: Early Afternoon through Mid evening))
Last edited by Zanebry Varliss on Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: Player Made Location Thread

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 17, 2017 3:40 am

The Hollow

The Hollow was a rather small bar, long and narrow and dominated by a bartop along most of it's length. A small stage was located on the wall opposite the entrance, and most evening there were live bands often playing. Immediately in front of the stage was a small dance floor, with barely enough space for a dozen couples. A handful of tables occupied the rest of the space, they were solidly built and seated four.

The owner was a retired Muun man by the name Talor Hill, an expert in cocktails, he could be found there at most open hours. It was the quality of Talor's drink that kept people coming, though with their price tag he didn't sell many.

((Hours: Early Evening through Late Night))
Last edited by Zanebry Varliss on Sat Jun 17, 2017 4:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: Player Made Location Thread

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sat Jun 17, 2017 3:51 am


It was sign that directed one to Sol'nelo's , a bit of bright pink neon, that depicted a girl dancing, scrawled across it's middle was the name Sol'nelo. It ws a store for dance clothes and many at Shadows bought their clothes here.

The inside was much what one would expect of a ladies clothing store, Holo projected images cycling through models wearing all kinds of different styles and racks of clothes, mostly dresses with various stages of exposure, though skirts, blouses, and shoes were also available.

The decor was fairly garish, reflecting the sign that hung above the door, and near the back was a tall man, over six and a half feet in his heels, wearing a stunning dress and various jewelry, long hair cascading down his back. This was So'nelo the owner and namesake of the shop.

((Hours: Late morning through Early night))
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Zanebry Varliss
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Re: Player Made Location Thread

Postby Cole Ormont » Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:19 pm

Red Light District: Shelter and Free Clinic

In the bowels of the Red Light District is a simple shelter: a few cots for those with nowhere to sleep, some basic food for those with nothing to eat, and first aid of those who are sick or injured. Of course, there is never enough of any of these things.

Each day, usually in the Early Afternoon, Cole and Ashla can be found providing actual medical care - for free (to the disappointment/disgust of Ashla) - and word is starting to spread that there is 'real doctoring' happening at the shelter.
Petty Officer | Navy Surgeon | Republic | Forever Alone | Profile

OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Player Made Location Thread

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:33 pm


Red Light District

Ritt's used to be a hot spot in Nar Shaddaa, a bar and dance lounge, there were lines at the door every night and one was sure to see the hottest young couples here. As times changed though the Ritt's didn't holding onto the classic appeal of it's live bands, mostly different off-shoots of Jizz and classic cocktails.

It was still popular though, with the right crowd, but one no longer had to worry if they were going to get in. The dance floor was spacious, with room for at least a hundred and there were more then enough tables to go around. Private booths were available at a price, the more expensive one's being on a raised level with a private bar and view of the dance floor.

((Hours EE though MN))
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: Player Made Location Thread

Postby Cole Ormont » Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:34 am

Scratch off the unnamed shelter/clinic. As of D4 MA, it burned to the ground.
Petty Officer | Navy Surgeon | Republic | Forever Alone | Profile

OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

Some guys have all the luck, some guys get all the breaks, I get to roll my dice, ain't it nice?
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Re: Player Made Location Thread

Postby Galen Sol » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:20 am

The Menagerie
Red Light District


Among the many things sold on Nar Shaddaa are creatures, great and small, from throughout the galaxy. While these could be viewed and purchased for one's personal collection in several places around the moon, few matched the eclectic variety, scale and style of Miso's Menagerie. Collectors come to the Menagerie to purchase directly from the latest acquisitions or to express interest in specific rare beasts, requests that the establishment then seeks to fill. Many others, however, come simply to view the exotic animals and have a few drinks at the small on-site cantina.

The cantina has a quiet, comfortable atmosphere, avoiding loud music and other activities that might overstimulate the creatures in the surrounding cages. It is ideal for conversation and relaxation, while providing direct observation of some of the more interesting animal enclosures.
Human | Force Sensitive | Seeker | Hunter | Neutral
Wears: Heavy Clothing, Utility Belt, Thermal Cloak
Carries: Datapad, Comlink, Scanner Goggles, Other Gear as Necessary
Pet: Navi
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