Hours: EE - LN
Bu Pukaa Chik Youngee (Huttese for "The Red Dancing Girl") is an upscale gentlemen's club in Nar Shaddaa's red light district. Owned indirectly by Dango the Hutt through a subsidiary front, the club employs women from many different species.
Located at the end of a brightly lit alley, the Club employs specially brought in eunuch mercenary security to ensure no conflict of interest with the girls. The interior is mostly red with white ceilings, comfortable red chairs scattered around tables near round six dancing stages; At any time four to five of these stages usually have someone dancing and stripping on them.
Drinks are served by scantily clad waitresses from a well stocked back room. Other services are on a per minute basis: Having a dancer sit and talk/drink with you one on one is 1 credit a minute, doing so while sitting on your lap is 2, shoulder rubs and simple massaging is also 2, and a full on lap dance is 3. Girls can be paid to be taken for private shows for 10 credits a minute, with no additional fees past those doors. Note that those credits go to the establishment and not the girls, so tips are often given.
Note that Bu Pukaa Chik Youngee is NOT a brothel; Asking the girls for "services" past what is offered or off the clock is seen as insulting and is a good way to get thrown out if one is persistent in doing so. Also note that, despite being classified as a gentlemen's club, the Club does not discriminate in it's clients based on gender.