Business Interactions (D4-MA & LA)

Business Center of Nar Shaddaa

Business Interactions (D4-MA & LA)

Postby Niriti » Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:55 am

After two days, Niriti returns to the Commercial district to check on the business deals that she had gone through 2 days prior. The investments that she had tried had not been as effective as she would had wanted, and the business people she worked with had not provided the promised results. They asked for more time as she had only given 2 days, and was insufficient for a proper benefit.

Commercial District Negotiations. Average Difficulty: 0 successes, 1 advantage, 60 Credits
NIRITI: Force Sensitive | Human | Sith | Provocative Charm | Breathy Voice | Ministry of Logistics

Equip: Padded Armor, Hand Scanner, ComLink, Datapad, Glow Rod, Truncheon, Lightsaber Shoto, Backpack

Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility.
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