Yslane Tssilla wrote:
....hmm, clearly there needs to be a thread with Kristaal, Yslane, and Cole all wearing the same dress in the same room as Sylvain.
Does this mean I have to take all of you out shopping?
Yslane Tssilla wrote:
....hmm, clearly there needs to be a thread with Kristaal, Yslane, and Cole all wearing the same dress in the same room as Sylvain.
Kristal Serasai wrote:My instinct was to ask why Cole would be wearing a dress but...
Sylvain Torsin wrote:New Terrible Trio pick!
Thanks to Faily for spurning for the commission!
Yslane Tssilla wrote:
....hmm, clearly there needs to be a thread with Kristaal, Yslane, and Cole all wearing the same dress in the same room as Sylvain.
Sylvain Torsin wrote:Yslane Tssilla wrote:
....hmm, clearly there needs to be a thread with Kristaal, Yslane, and Cole all wearing the same dress in the same room as Sylvain.
Sylvain can't make it...
"But I'll be there to keep an eye on you subversives."
Vec Gunnar wrote:Sylvain Torsin wrote:New Terrible Trio pick!
Thanks to Faily for spurning for the commission!
Nice commission!
If it's fine with everyone, I'll briefly like to say that I've been having some difficulties with the game as well. It's mostly my doing admittedly, a combination of being clueless to the setting, playing something different and my OOC shyness (less than active posting is a bonus culprit). Vec was made as a creature of duty and action, using that as an avenue to get my bearings for the setting, but that puts the vet in a strange place in other situations. I suppose no different than what some Lion bushi go through, I suppose.
Nevertheless, I can see that the game is a success already, even if I have difficulties tapping into the same offerings. That's only made possible with the hard work that both Dapper Dog and Nekoinu have been putting.
Yslane Tssilla wrote:You need a drinking buddy. And a pile of Crescent Shadow goons to mow through. :3
Shaisha Vreysk wrote:If it's a matter of buying bigger and better boomsticks to make Vec happy, Shai can accomodate.
Vec Gunnar wrote:*ponders on this* I don't know if there's anything really truly make him happy, but that would be a start!
After Private Mikulski opened fire with the Vickers, some of the other Detachment 2702 men, eager to pitch in and do their bit, took potshots at those Germans with their rifles, but doing so made them feel so small and pathetic that they soon gave up and just took cover in the ditch and lit up cigarettes and watched the slow progress of the Vickers’ bullet-stream across the roadblock. Mikulski hosed down all of the German vehicles for a while, yawing the Vickers back and forth like a man playing a fire extinguisher against the base of a fire. Then he picked out a few bits of the roadblock that he suspected people might be standing behind and concentrated on them for a while, boring tunnels through the wreckage of the vehicles until he could see what was on the other side, sawing through their frames and breaking them in half. He cut down half a dozen or so roadside trees behind which he suspected Germans were hiding, and then mowed about half an acre of grass.
Col. Hala Moraal wrote:The Vicker's would be a Gunnery weapon, but would also be effective....
Ashla Vyliis wrote:So, if anyone has noticed me falling off the face of the moon, for "reasons"