by Arali Zian » Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:11 am
General summary:
Arali is 25, from a sacked agricultural colony, rescued by Garrick Lorne, who took her as a padawan back before he was a Jedi master.
Washed out as a padawan because she failed to be Garrick Lorne 2.0. Was bitter about this for a long time.
Came to Nar Shaddaa quite a few years ago. Helps out Master Thun as she can, but otherwise, is involved in various logistical and humanitarian support projects.
Been on Nar Shaddaa for years. Has her fingers in a lot of pies, trying to make ends meet in the Republic for certain supplies, mainly with humanitarian and logistical focus. And also with focus on putting traders in contact with one another, rather than actually buying a shipment of X. But she absolutely values strong relationships with the locals.
Spends a lot of time at the Jedi Enclave, generally helping out.
Healer with fewer strings attached than most on Nar Shaddaa for Republic sorts.
Currently active on the local dating scene, looking for Ms. Right.
I like revolutionary agricultural techniques. Do you have revolutionary agricultural techniques? Let me show you this flower my parents developed to help aerate industrial-scale nutrient-enhanced algae cultures.
I do believe someone said amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics?
Arali is a strong example of how to have strong differences with the Jedi order and the Jedi code without being deemed a threat. Wanna bitch about Jedi stuff? You'll find a sympathetic ear.
Good cook!
Does assorted technical, diplomatic, and artistic odd jobs.
Also helping to get the Enclave ready for more residents, even though she doesn't live there herself.
Last edited by
Arali Zian on Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Republic ♥ Jedi ♥ Washout ♥ Twi'lek ♥ Superfarmer ♥ Nerd ♥ Pacifist
Inventory: Two-Handed Lightsaber 'Verdant,' Heavy Clothing, Comlink, Emergency Medpac,Utility Belt, Tool Kit, Datapad, Scanner Goggles