Occultastic [MA6]

The forgotten dregs of Nar Shaddaa

Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:26 pm

"Then let's not tarry, my partner in crime." Moyr smirked. "There is some killing to do." She then released his arm and looked back at the Shadow Hand. "Bring us back."
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Nekoinu » Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:02 pm

The woman smiled and nodded. "Be sure to work together. My visions foretold that both of you would be necessary for the future." She then dissipated back into the storm, which then became heavier and soon there was nothing more but...

The waking world. The cultists were still there, keeping vigil, and Ralnorrei was breathing but otherwise still unconscious.
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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:09 pm

Moyr waited for her senses to return and for any numbness to recede. She checked on Zeno if he was ready, waiting for a nod.

"We had a grand vision. A reckoning is coming!"
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Zeno Deathwright » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:01 am

"Indeed. A great day. The dark side's will is clear," he says after rising. After a moment to shake off the haze his sabers reach his hands and he is cutting down the cultist nearest the door.
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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:04 am

Moyr did the quick work with the one next to him, then just used a rowing motion to cut another with the second blade. "Let's spare Exar Kun."
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Nekoinu » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:05 am

"What?! No, no! We did everything that you asked for!" The remaining cultists cowered before them, praying that they will see mercy.
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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Zeno Deathwright » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:09 am

Zeno didn't hesitate, ending a few more as Moyr went about her own mowing.
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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:16 am

Moyr stopped before the last one. "You're chosen to be the only guardian of the relic in a new place. They were unworthy." She patted the man on the back, then looked at slumbering Ralnorrei.
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Nekoinu » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:17 am

"O-oh! Oh great and powerful masters. I will be sure to continue being worthy of your vision!"

Slumbering was not exactly the correct word to describe her. She was in a complete coma, her breathing faint but otherwise healthy.
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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Zeno Deathwright » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:21 am

Zeno moves to the Zabrak, and with some effort, puts her over his shoulder. He has nothing to really say to a future sacrifice.
Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent
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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:26 am

Moyr took a moment to check on the bodies for anything interesting in addition to getting a cloak to wrap the relic in. She looked at Zeno, asking him if they should part now with a move of her eyes. Then she turned to the cowering man. "Stay close, my acolyte."
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Nekoinu » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:29 am

The bodies unfortunately did not possess anything interesting. They had a few 'ceremonial' knives, which were little more than painted kitchen knives.

The survivor was, unsurprisingly, complicit with any demands.
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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Zeno Deathwright » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:44 am

Zeno nods, moving to exit with Ralnorrei and Moyr.
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Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade
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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:32 pm

At the exit, she turned to Zeno. "Tomorrow, on my ship. Let me know once you're ready."
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Zeno Deathwright » Thu Jun 29, 2017 3:07 pm

"Alright. I'm heading to Kintan tonight. I'll try to be done there quickly and be back by the afternoon," he says in low voice, with a nod.
Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (Sith-blood) | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent
Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, blaster rifle, stimpacks, stun grenade
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Re: Occultastic [MA6]

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:01 pm

"Make sure to leave her with no additional recollections. We met, hung out, found nothing, parted ways." She gestured with her chin toward Ral.

Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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