Imperial | Human | Military | Trooper | Sergeant | OT-422 Carries on Duty: Heavy Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Combat Knife, Grenades, Laminate Armour, Comlink, Scanner Goggles, Stimpack x2, and likely even more.
OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt. GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask. Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District. LANGUAGES: Huttese.
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game) Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)
Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad. Art
Imperial | Human | Military | Trooper | Sergeant | OT-422 Carries on Duty: Heavy Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Combat Knife, Grenades, Laminate Armour, Comlink, Scanner Goggles, Stimpack x2, and likely even more.
Jedi- Togruta - Tinkerer - The Tentacle Entente? - Student of Master Raji Xen - 'splosions! - Visible equipment: Heavy clothes, utility belt, googles, backpack, Soho lightsaber: The silver bladed ''Memory'', The red Ionblade ''The little sister''. "Insert here: profound sounding quote that expresses nothing more then hot air" -Baesal Zyn Often seen with R5-T8: her droid assistant
Last call for healing on Day 6! If you were at the red wedding and evacuated to Nar Shaddaa, there is a triage centre at the spaceport EE. Get your medicine rolls before day flip.
As Ashla put it in her character portrait "you definitely won't die!"
OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt. GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask. Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District. LANGUAGES: Huttese.
OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt. GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask. Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District. LANGUAGES: Huttese.
Imperial | Human | Military | Trooper | Sergeant | OT-422 Carries on Duty: Heavy Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Combat Knife, Grenades, Laminate Armour, Comlink, Scanner Goggles, Stimpack x2, and likely even more.