[D7EA] Chance Sighting

Business Center of Nar Shaddaa

[D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:52 am

It had been, Niall decided, quite a morning.

Shopping wasn't quite something he wanted to do. But there was one or two things he wanted, and he had to go out and get them himself. Certain things one could not entrust a private with fetching.

He'd been up since early, and even though he'd eaten now, his endurance was flagging. And so he sat in a fair cafe, drinking a cup of caf, exceptional mostly for being overpriced.
Last edited by Niall Organa on Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D6EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:05 am

The cafe was, unfortunately, packed pretty tight around lunch time, and when Asra stopped in (because her two other main choices were either unavailable or unwise at this time of day), she was forced to seek out a table with someone already at it. Everyone was a stranger. So she stepped over to a likely looking (and Republic, fabulous) patron, holding her caf, and said, "Pardon me, is this seat taken? It's a little busy."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:14 am

It took a moment for NIall to respond as he almost visibly shook himself out of his reverie. He gave a friendly smile up at the newcomer. His eyes did widen just a touch as he recognized the Imperial touches on her uniform.

"Please, go ahead." He gestured with open palm to the seat in front of him. "Captain Niall Organa, Republic military." He introduced himself.
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Re: [D6EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:24 am

"Thanks." She nods her head to him in acknowledge and sits down, setting down the cup. "Corporal Asra Nakahti, Imperial military. Pleased to meet you, Captain."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:33 am

"Likewise." Niall said.

He took a sip of his caf. "You're not the first Imperial soldier I've spoken with. And, in fact, I had breakfast with a Sith." He took another sip. "This has been a strange week, hasn't it?"
Last edited by Niall Organa on Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D6EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:02 am

"Really? May I ask who you spoke to?" She looks over curiously, but nods in agreement. "I'd say strange is an understatement. It's been a crazy week."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:01 pm

Niall nodded. "First, there was Lord Sylvain Torsin, the Sith. A human." It was confusing, having Sith be both a rank and a species. "He was well-spoken and charming, as befits someone of his nobility, I suppose. And friendly enough. Completely devoted to the Empire."

"The second was a sergeant named Vec. I don't suppose he's in your unit? Good man. I rather liked him. It seems to me that there are certain commonalities to the armed forces. Although the methods are certainly different." Niall sighed, a shadow passing over his features.

"And what about you? What have you found crazy?" Niall asked.
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:35 pm

"He isn't, sadly. I've only run into the Sergeant in passing," she says. "I actually serve Lord Torsin directly, so it's interesting that you ran into him. And yes, you'll find a lot of dedication. The Empire doesn't generally have much tolerance for those less than fully committed toward it."

"Terrorism, death, explosions, etc. I myself was caught in one of the last early on."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:40 pm

"Oh?" Niall asked, his eyebrows going up just a little. "Is that lack of tolerance reserved for those in the military, or those outside it as well? Or is there a distinction?" His lips twisted. "Coming from Alderaan as I do, it's... well, my particular career choice is a little unusual, let's just say." He gestured with one hand down at his uniform.

"Ah. My sympathies." He said, giving her a nod. "Yes, there has been rather a lot of those things. I was at the wedding yesterday. The gas attack..." He grimaced, doing his best to hide it with a sip of his caf.
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:45 pm

"That was a terrible..." She shook her head. At the question about the military, she raised a hand, making an uneven, either/or sort of gesture. "It can be fuzzy."

"What made you decide to take the route you did?" She asks curiously.
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:04 pm

"Mmm." Niall gave a nod, somewhat understanding.

"Ah. Well..." Niall sat back in his chair, frowning thoughtfully, still holding his caf cup. "I don't know what nobility means in the Empire. On Alderaan, among other things, it means that I have a responsibility to my people, both those in my district, and Alderaanians as a whole. My natural talents tended towards leadership. There were options..."

His lips twisted. "But Alderaan is part of the Republic. Even if war didn't come to it, it would someday, I knew. And so I joined the Republic military. In part, as part of discharing Alderaan's responsibility to the Republic. And to discharge mine to Alderaan, helping to ensure that it stayed safe."

He sighed, smiling. "I hope I didn't bore you with my answer. It's something I've thought about a lot." His eyebrows went up, inviting comment. Or possibly her own story.
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:34 pm

"No... I like hearing people's stories," she says, looking out at the skyline. "I don't really know that well, either, really. I was born a slave, so pretty distanced from that strata. But I had a skill, and felt that I owed someone my life and my freedom."

"What's Alderaan like? The way you talk about it, it must be nice."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:04 pm

"Born a slave." Niall's lips pressed together for a few moments. "How did you, uh, stop being one? Military service?" He kept his voice even.

But the mention of Alderaan made him smile, just a little. "It is. There is great natural beauty there. Forests and rivers, mountains, lakes... I know some of that is a matter of perspective. Some people like sand." His lips twisted in distaste. "But I would say that it is lovely."

"And it has many artists, too. Created beauty, you might call it." He sighed. "I do miss it, sometimes, even though I was there not long ago." His expression turned wistful, perhaps sad.
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:13 pm

"Something like that," she agrees, if somewhat vaguely. She sticks out her tongue a little at the mention of sand. "Ugh, no sand for me, thanks. Still, it sounds lovely."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:15 pm

Niall chuckled. "Yes. We're certainly in agreement there. No sand." He nodded.

"Can I ask where you're from, then?" He said politely.
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:47 pm

"Magbalantay... It's the backwater's backwater, basically," she says, shaking her head. "Not much to write home about unless you're really into electrical storms."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:51 am

"I can't say that I'm particularly attached to them." Niall said, amused. "Still, is it still home for you, or just another place?"

He shrugged. "I've been thinking of home a lot, lately, I suppose. Ummm... relatedly, can I ask you how you feel about peace?"
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:41 pm

"Just another place. One I am not a particular fan of, point of fact," she replies. "It would be nice to have somewhere I think of as home." Her expression turned a little wistful. Even if it was just a ship...

"I'm strongly in favor of it. Not everyone I know it... but I think everyone needs a chance to breathe. There's been too much blood and death already, by far."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:47 pm

Niall looked at her a moment, his grey eyes sympathetic.

Niall nodded. "Me too. The war began before I was born. I've met people who have been fighting all their lives." He sighed. "And yet, if the peace is to only be a temporary one... I don't know. I don't want to rest now, and leave a bigger problem for those who come after me to deal with."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:00 pm

"It will be a problem for you and those after you if both sides continue this as it is. It's developing into a war of attrition," she assures, then takes a long breath and shakes her head. "My apologies. I had an argument about this not especially long ago. I suppose it's still bothering me."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:04 pm

"Not at all." Niall shook his head. "No need to apologize. And I agree. It's just..." His lips pinch together for a moment. "The desire to try and resolve the problem, to do something rather than just delay things, is a strong one. I don't know if it's in my nature to do otherwise. Perhaps..." He shook his head, trailing off.

His lips twisted. "How did the argument go last time you had it?"
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:43 pm

"I don't think either of us would be here if it wasn't that drive to try and solve things," she reassures with a tired smile. "Perhaps?" Her dark blue eyes shift to look toward him side-long, her smile turning a little playful. "The suspense is killing me here."

At the question, she sighed, "Not as well as I'd like. Hence the agitation."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:55 pm

"Well, then. I won't make you have it again."

He chuckled a little at her joke. "Well then, I won't keep you in suspense any longer." He said, his lips curling up into a larger smile than before. "But I was thinking that if a temporary peace gave me the opportunity to serve Alderaan, and the Republic in some otherway, so that I was really leaving things better for the future..." He shrugged. "Perhaps temporary peace would be enough, then."

He smiled again. "And perhaps people would discover they enjoyed peace so much, they'd stick with it." The smile faded. "That seems overly optimistic, though."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Luth Khalan » Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:29 pm

"Probably. People are always eager for war. It gives a lot of people opportunities for power or money. It gives some people a chance to feel like they're accomplishing something. It's simple. You have a clear cut enemy and try to defeat them. You're united," she says, looking back out to the skyline. "War has a lot to recommend it in general. It's not so shocking that so many people wouldn't want to stick with something as messy and complicated as peace."
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Re: [D7EA] Chance Sighting

Postby Niall Organa » Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:48 pm

Niall listened as Asra spoke, his expression interested.

Finally, he spoke. "That may be one of the best summations of the challenges we face that I've heard." He sighed, his lips twisting. "I wish you were in my command."

He smiled. "But you're right. Peace is messy, and hard. And, in my opinion, entirely worth doing, and worth doing right. I hope your opinion is widely held on your side." He hesitated a moment, and then added: "It doesn't seem to be among the Sith, though."
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