Memorable Moments in Space!

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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:56 am

Shaisha and Cole looking for a little boy's lost cat is fun, both threads. Here's where Shai rolls a Triumph to find it!

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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:27 pm

Triumph: Shaisha & Cole finds ALL the lost kitties on Nar Shaddaa? :lol:
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Cole Ormont » Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:43 pm

*makes a distasteful joke about finding pussy and flees*
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OUTFIT: Diagnostic Spectacles, Heavy Clothing, Backpack, Utility Belt.
GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Niall Organa » Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:24 pm

From this thread:


Aphr Ahaya wrote:Well, this is new.

Aphr entered with a curious expression on her face. She paused, arms crossed, and considered the fight before moving to Zhorrids side.

"Maybe if they had inspiration to fight, you'd get your show. Motivation is quite a powerful thing."

She leaned in to quietly say "such as telling them the winner walks free, even if it's not true."

Mostly in surprise at how Aphr became so dark!
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Durasay Mixo » Sat Jul 01, 2017 10:15 am

I want to call out Moyr for the great scene aboard her ship. She did an amazing job of a Sith Lord presenting the temptations of the Dark Side to someone in an emotionally unstable, angry state.

Killin' it.
Pantoran Peacekeeper | Neutral | Former Captain with Pantoran Defense Forces | Air of Command |
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Aphr Ahaya » Sat Jul 01, 2017 11:03 am

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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:08 pm

Subject: Hit me With Your Best Shot (D7 ME)

Cole Ormont wrote:Cole moved amongst the elated team, sharing high fives. His leg wasn't hurting, and they'd coordinated well, it was a damn fine result. Heading off the court, he passed Jo'ren with a high five, carrying through the motion to slap the massive Sith square on the ass.

A few steps later, he turned, a smile and a cocked eyebrow daring Jo'ren to do something about it.

Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:56 pm

Subject: She can do the Makeb run in 12 parsecs (EN-MN, D7)

Vec Gunnar wrote:Vec had taken a nap earlier while waiting at the spaceport with proper tourist accommodations, sleeping atop of crates and using his backpack as a pillow. He was awake for the earlier part of the flight. It was perhaps surprising that his ride was a light freighter, he had imagined that he would be riding in a civilian craft fit for a family of four for some reason. Maybe it's because the number of kids he was travelling. That gave him some space and all the leg room that he wanted.

As the Terror Star made its way to the intended destination, he was found sitting at a table (or a makeshift one) and cleaning the parts of his pistol.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

"Daaaaad, Jo'ren hit me!"
"Did not!"
"Can we stop? I need to go to the bathroom!"
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Moyr Ahaya » Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:23 am

Subject: Following a Feeling (D7 LM)

Dapper Dog wrote:Kaya says, “The visions can be intense… prepare yourself.”

Whehn the drink is finished she feels a tingle on her lips and then… she feels like she is in a dream, but still awake. Everything moves slowly she is in the same place but can see phantoms at the edge of her vision and then she hears a voice.
Vayana Ahaya.jpg

“You heard my call, little one… for so long I have been waiting and now you are here. I have seen you though I have been long returned to the Force, I am Vayana Ahaya, Jedi Master. I am your blood, and you are mine,” she says with a clear smile.

Fawk. :shock:

It's a damn twist. But I am not entirely surprised.
Sith | Lethan Twi'lek | Former Smuggler | Shadow | Radical | Subversive | Honorary Fett | Profile

Wear: casual, concealing, jungle, or Mandalorian!; Weapon: 'Passion' (shadowsheathed twin-bladed lightsabre), X-30 Lancer, palm stunner, frags; Stuff: commlink, datapad, hand scanner, scramble key, survival kit, stimpacks; Ship: The Bitch, Corellian-Mandalorian hybrid light freighter; Crew: "Gunnie" Wren, co-pilot & T3-X3, maintenance droid; Companions: Virginia, battle droid

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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Arali Zian » Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:34 am

And she's lavender. I like her already.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Niall Organa » Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:49 pm

I am entertained by this Sith... cake maker?


Dapper Dog wrote:The door finally opens and inside is a cozy but cramped filled with food stuffs, and several cakes in varying states of completeness and edibility. A lean sith blood with red skin akin to a red clay stands with a wide grin holding a fresh cake with white cream frosting and a variety of fruits atop it. He says proudly, "I have completed my masterpiece!"
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sun Jul 02, 2017 10:50 pm

Subject: Where shall my sight be pointed? (LE7)

Watcher 5 wrote:"Then get cybernetic eyes if your vision is poor," he responds. "At your age degradation of sight is the norm."

Such shade! :lol:
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Cole Ormont » Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:07 am

Subject: [D8MA] DE_Dust (Assault Team)

HX-S4 wrote:"If they move to target our backs, I am expecting a pay increase. The Senator does not cover betrayal fees. I also cannot guarantee the survival of all involved, on either side. Are you entirely certain you do not wish to disable or remove them in some fashion? I have several preferred methods."

I like this guy. I mean, Cole's a pacifist, but still. I like this guy.
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Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:15 pm

Subject: Time to get to work [D8, LM]

Dapper Dog wrote:Layne finds a lead to an upscale bistro posing as a front for some unsavory business. Whatever is going on it seems like it might be a good lead to follow up. There are a few hip customers inside ordering organic food from all across the galaxy and waxing poetically about how great they are for being socially aware and eco-friendly.

Burn it down, Layne!

Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:11 pm

In this thread where everything goes to hell:

Vec Gunnar wrote:This was as bad as bad could go. If that shot could bring down a Sith, then they didn't stand too much of a chance. And here he came all he way just to flee. A sort of anger seethed through him and he growled out, "My name's not fucking Vince!"

That out of the way, he joined the others in the speeder. It looks like he got his ride fit for a family of four after all, kids included.

Move 1: Run! Get to the speeder!
Action: Turn on the ignition!
Move 2 (taking 2 strain): Gun it!

(The roll, if required...Sigh.)
Day 8, Three's Company - Driving Roll, if required: 3eA+2eD 3 failures, 2 advantage

Additional edit: Also spending Destiny to aid in escape!

Poor Vec still takes a moment to tell Jin that his name's not Vince!

The humor and tension combination was a good one.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Galen Sol » Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:25 pm

Subject: D8-MA: Humble non-suspicious Mechanic coming through

Nekoinu wrote:The man on the other side paused. "I remember two men being on patrol there. Who are you?"


Deception (Cunning) at Hard Difficulty. Add Three Setback cause, well, girl >.>

One of the few drawbacks of an all girl team.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Cole Ormont » Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:32 pm

Good thing Cole's been monitoring things >__>
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GEAR: Standard Medpac, Respirator, Datapad, Fusion Lantern, Flask.
Accompanied by Pt. Pir Yongo, Republic Soldier from Dantooine, when in the Red Light District.

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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:14 pm

Gunrobot's enthusiasm for driving is strangely endearing:

HX-S4 wrote:"Vroomvroom." HX would spin about, before quickly moving towards the truck, finding itself in the main seat as it whirled a tool arm out to jack into the port and start the thing up. It didn't seem phased by Layne's taunts or Arali's praise, instead whirling notes of basic as it moved the truck closer, somewhat rhythmically.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jul 05, 2017 9:33 pm

Dapper Dog wrote:She just senses a guy and his greasy but tasty food.

I don't know why, but the Force sensing that food is both greasy and tasty really entertained me.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Wed Jul 05, 2017 9:34 pm

Niall Organa wrote:
Dapper Dog wrote:She just senses a guy and his greasy but tasty food.

I don't know why, but the Force sensing that food is both greasy and tasty really entertained me.

It's a lovely little detail because Shaisha is hungry. :lol:
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Durasay Mixo » Fri Jul 07, 2017 12:34 am

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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Cole Ormont » Fri Jul 07, 2017 12:48 am

I feel like, if Ashla was going to fall to the Dark Side, this would be the moment :twisted:
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sat Jul 08, 2017 7:50 pm

Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Niall Organa » Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:49 am

Just another piece of the legend that is Garrick Lorne.

Nekoinu wrote:His serenity was interrupted when an explosion ruptured the building, the ceiling completely collapsing on top of him. A few moments later, he surged out from under and cracked his neck. He then stepped forward and tore open the bars in front of him and broke open the container holding his belongings.

A building falls on him. No problem.
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Re: Memorable Moments in Space!

Postby Shaisha Vreysk » Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:58 am

<3 Garrick Lorne!
Sith | Shien Sentinel | Pureblood | Vowrawn's Apprentice | Deviless | Scourge's Legacy | Successor To The Eternal Emperor | Data | Theme (end of game)
Ship: Saarai-kaar (Crew: Jitter, Jawa mechanic. Anthy, Section IX rookie)

Gear: Shadowsuit armor w/cloak and mask (on occassion), gloves, Chwûq (shoto lightsaber, Siqsa (lightsaber), utility belt with suprises, commlink, datapad.
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