Charity Huttball - Neutral Recruitment!

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Charity Huttball - Neutral Recruitment!

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:57 am

We have five of six players filled, trying for a perfect game. But we're having a hard time filling the last few skills!

Please post here if you'd like to play for the Republic and are at least fairly good at any 2 of the following:

Melee, Perception, Vigilance

Could sub one of those for Deception, but it wouldn't be ideal.

We'll cheer you! You'll make friends in the Republic! We probably can't pay, certainly not more than a pittance; this is a charity game, after all.
Republic Military Officer * Alderaanian Noble * Diplomat * Profile * Theme
Carries: Officer's Blaster Pistol, 4 stimpacks. Grenade when appropriate
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Niall Organa
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Re: Charity Huttball - Neutral Recruitment!

Postby Remmington Thalalas » Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:41 pm

Oh I'll play. ;)
Sith | Force Sensitive | Human | Fallen Sith Line | Duelist | Mechanic | Charming | Hutt Ball Team: Valkyrie | Honourary Fett | Exp
"The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."

Carries: Backpack, Comlink (Handheld), Datapad, Glow Rod, Laminate Armour (Mandalorian), Lightsaber - Gram, Respirator, Scanner Goggles, Spacesuit, Utility Belt

Ship: Skidbladnir
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Remmington Thalalas
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Re: Charity Huttball - Neutral Recruitment!

Postby Niall Organa » Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:44 pm

Alas, it's Republic or Neutral only.
Republic Military Officer * Alderaanian Noble * Diplomat * Profile * Theme
Carries: Officer's Blaster Pistol, 4 stimpacks. Grenade when appropriate
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Niall Organa
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Re: Charity Huttball - Neutral Recruitment!

Postby Zanebry Varliss » Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:41 pm

Sadly my LE is full. Not that I am excellent at those rolls anyways
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast Hands

Gear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella

Ship: Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne
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Re: Charity Huttball - Neutral Recruitment!

Postby Galen Sol » Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:56 pm

Unfortunately, my LE is also filled.
Human | Force Sensitive | Seeker | Hunter | Neutral
Wears: Heavy Clothing, Utility Belt, Thermal Cloak
Carries: Datapad, Comlink, Scanner Goggles, Other Gear as Necessary
Pet: Navi
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Galen Sol
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