by Sylvain Torsin » Fri Jul 07, 2017 12:03 am
Sylvain injured and heavily charred body plopped down on his bed as soon as he returned to his apartment. He rolled over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. It was obvious to any bystander that he was still in shock by the events that had just transpired. His mind worked at each moment, replayed each second and saw the same grizzly images over and over.
He saw Layne's last look as he had convinced her to join the fight... felt the responsibility of making that call over and over again as he saw Baras' blade pierce her lifeless body in his mind's eye.
His eyelids lay open, rarely blinking... body not moving for what must have been at least an hour. The darker voices in his head began to tell him that this had been a victory for him in some ways... that he could turn this to his own advantage now with Layne dead. The lighter voices tried to make him feel guilty for what he had done, for putting others in danger but sparing himself in the end. The endless torrent and battle in his mind caused him to close his eyes tightly trying to silence the voices in his mind.
After another several minutes he was able to silence all the voices. He was left staring at the ceiling again, counting the holes in the roofing... mind empty... or dead more accurately. He had failed the Empire, failed his mother, failed his master, failed his comrades, failed his father's memory. Any mental activity other than mindless counting would lead him down a line of thought he didn't care to follow.
Sith Empire | Human | Imperial Noble | Negotiator | Hero's Son | Baras' ApprenticeCarries/Wears: 'Cool' Mask, Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak (Low Friction Coating, Enhanced Optics (Vigilance Mod), Energy Dispersion), Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), 5x Stimpacks, 3x Stun and 2x Frag Grenades, Utility Belt, Holopad
"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a leader is to look at the people he has around him." -Sylvain TorsinDescription