"Oh, no..." Arali frets as she sees the handprint, already considering what could have done this. Probably not blaster fire. But in these narrow corridors, blades and bludgeons are just as effective as ranged weapons. "Be prepared for close-quarters fighting. Luth, stay behind us and maintain distance. Ashla, be on your guard, should they try and flank us."
She takes just a moment to examine the door, but anything in depth would be too slow. "No time. Gotta brute force it. Ashla, help me reverse the magseal.
The method is simple, but the timing is precise. Disconnect the seal's power supply and reverse a couple wires. Time it just right and you don't get shocked, yourself. A couple seconds later, what was once a perfect seal is now a repulsive force strong enough to rapidly rend every latch one by one.
((Assuming Ashla's assistance. Yay, togruta bonus! And I do have tools.
1eP+3eA+2eB+2eD 2 successes, 7 advantage

Well. That is... a thing. O.o
I'd like to call on some of those seven advantages to say there's just enough delay on the door opening for Arali (and Ashla, if she'd like) to ready their weapons in case something big and horrible is about to jump us as soon as we open the door.))