Imperial Intelligence

Imperial Intelligence

Postby Dapper Dog » Mon May 29, 2017 9:32 pm

Imperial Intelligence

The shadowy arm of the Imperial war machine Imperial Intelligence is a powerful if misunderstood entity within the Empire. They are a vast but nimble organization that exists outside the Imperial military structure. In general there are field agents and support staff, field agents were either classified as Agent or Cipher Agent, or Cipher for short.

Support staff was made up of Informers, Minders, Fixers, and Watchers. The top of the active ranks is the Keeper who oversees Imperial Intelligence and knows all the secrets and then above them is the Minister of Intelligence who speaks directly to the Dark Council making them one of the most powerful non-Sith positions outside of the military.

In general Imperial Intelligence acts as a counter intelligence agency, counter insurgency, internal threats, and active intelligence in the Republic. There are as many operations within Imperial space as there are outside the borders of the Empire. Imperial agents are trained from young ages in most cases or even deliberately bred through breeding programs to produce loyal and capable agents. Retirement from Intelligence usually accompanies a funeral; secrets are best kept by the dead.

Cipher Agents

Cipher agents are the elite among field agents and while there are countless field agents and informers, Cipher agents, known as Ciphers are few in number. Highly capable agents they are trained in various forms of close combat, small arms, personal intelligence, and psychological warfare. They are subjected to grueling tests and trials of emotional, mental, and physical endurance. They are loyal and fully dedicated to the cause, some are extreme professionals others play fast and loose with the law, but all are dedicated to the mission of Intelligence.

Ciphers have a great deal of autonomy in their missions and tend to be proactive instead of reactive. Ciphers are chameleons, they can blend in to any situation and are trained to deceive and charm with ease. Some form their own teams of specialists others work solo, all are deadly. When an agent becomes a Cipher all identifiable personal information is purged from the databanks and they exist only as a designation of Cipher [Number], i.e. Cipher 5. Cipher agents never retire, they either become Watchers or they are decommissioned.
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Dapper Dog
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