by Zanebry Varliss » Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:45 pm
"Three of me and panties would start randomly dropping on the streets." Z joked in return, as he poured himself a drink.
"The volunteers were Yslane Tssila, Naveera, Niall Organa, Arali Xian, Baesel Zyn, O'nera Aeser, Cyan Necu, and Master Fes. Mr. Organa also brought along Vera Ordo."
"I hired the crew of the tortoise and HX-S4 a droid. The former to my great disappointment"
Neutral * Freelance * Well Dressed * Retired Military * Gambler * Fast HandsGear: Evea'lin (slug thrower), Audh'reh (blaster pistol, hidden), Noth (vibroknife, hidden), Hat, Jacket, Gloves, Armored clothes. Umbrella
Three Drinks Description Smells like: Whiskey, Cigarettes, Cologne