by Sylvain Torsin » Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:44 pm
Governors of the Various Districts of the Forbidden City:
Kanjo District
The governor of the Kanjo District is Otomo Sadako, who also serves as the Hatamoto to the Otomo daimyo. Otomo Sadako is an austere and intimidating woman. She has served as the chief advisor to the Otomo Daimyo since the beginning of the ‘imbalance.’ She is known widely throughout the court as constantly advising in favor of a measured approach to the issue with the Hawk. She is a well-connected woman who has few rivals (…left in the capital). She is well-trained in many of the finer arts of debate, oratory, and sadane. She gets the final say in any official matter that need be negotiated with the Imperials. Those who attempt to subvert her attempts to minimize complications, or discreetly attempt to avoid her gaze will find that she is not easily avoided and her vengeance cannot be extinguished without price.
(As listed above... Sadako may not be taken as an Ally.)
Chisei District
The governor of the Chisei District is Doji Chizuru. She is the cousin of the current Crane Clan Champion and trained as a Courtier. Her poetry and paintings are widely valued by all connoisseurs of art. She is known to be extraordinarily graceful but has subtly made it known that members of the 'Hawk' are not welcome in her streets... in the most politely passive aggressive means possible.
Doji Chizuru is an (Influence 3, Devotion 1 or 2) ally to any non-Hawk or Ronin character with proper justification.
Karada District
The governor of the Karada District is Kuni Michinaga. He is a grizzled man in his mid-forties who has put off retirement for several years now. He lived the life of a normal Kuni priest as a young man, and sired 15 children with his wife. He works directly with the Jade Champion to ensure the safety of the Emperor and his city from threats of a spiritual nature. Callous, rough, and direct, he is known for his reliance on common sense wisdom in administration. In private, and with a few liters of sake in him, he has been known to be willing to discuss some of the more philosophical aspects of the day.
Kuni Michinaga is a (Devotion 3, Influence 1 or 2) ally. He may be taken by Lion, Crab, Crane, and Hawk characters with proper justification.
Hito District
The governor of the Hito District is Akodo Sakusen. He is the oldest child of a well-bred Akodo lineage. Others have claimed a measure of glory or fame for their skill in strategy or combat within the Lion, but all who know him privately acknowledge him to be their superior. He has never lost in battle or personal combat, but has never sought for glory as a result of his deeds. He is one of the most well-respected men in all of the Lion clan, but personally he has always been rather cold. Many aspire to be like him, but few know him personally. He was married to a Seppun commander and given the post he now occupies.
Akodo Sakusen is an (Influence 3, Devotion 1) ally. He may only be taken by Lion Characters with an honor Rank of 8 or higher.
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Governors of the Various Outer Districts of Otosan Uchi:
Emperor's Road District
The Emperor's Road District is overseen by the Governor Miya Takahiro. Takahiro is a man in his mid-thirties and was well-known during his younger days throughout the Empire as one of the most skilled Heralds. He was given this position a few years back as a result of being the nephew to the Miya daimyo and runs the district with candor and grace.
Miya Takahiro can be taken as an (3 influence, 1 or 2 devotion) ally by Imperials or magistrates attached to this district.
Juramashi District
Brutal Flame District
The Governor of Brutal Flame District is a veteran of 10 years. Her name is Soshi Yuki. She is known for her strict enforcement of the law on those who trespass against it. A relatively cold and serious woman, she has few friends beyond those in her immediate circle. Rumor has it that she actually smiles under that mask, but few live who have claimed to see it.
Soshi Yuki can be taken as a (Influence 3, Devotion 1) ally by Scorpion clan players, or magistrates within her district.
Spiritual District
The governor of this district is Yasuki Ninomiya. In an overly spiritual and religious district he is a relatively unreligious man. He has been governor for five years in the district. For his part, the district has been quite successful and well managed during his tenure despite the contentious nature of the religious debate of the day. His relative disinterest for religion has probably been advantageous for him. The monks of Daitoku in particular have a liking for him. He's known to be approachable and conversational with parties that require his attention.
Yasuki Ninomiya can be taken as an (Influence 3, 1 or 2 devotion) ally by Crab clan members, or others with merchant ties (subject to GM approval).
Gilded Hill District
The governor of the Gilded Hill District is Kakita Umibe. Umibe is a renown artist and duelist of the Kakita school. He maintains one of the most opulent gardens in the District and is known for throwing the best parties. Whispers of corruption have followed him now and then, but have never risen to be a serious concern.
Kakita Umibe can be taken as an (Influence 3, Devotion 1 or 2) Ally by Crane clan members or non-Hawk characters who possess the Soul of Artistry Advantage.
Rich Crescent District
The Governor of this District is Daidoji Hiromasa. He is in his late thirties but only a recent appointee to this post. He has served the Daidoji as a special council on economic affairs for many years. His no nonsense approach to governance has drawn the admiration of many in the capital. He is known to enjoy games of strategy and wit.
Daidoji Hiromasa is an (Influence 3, Devotion 1) ally that can be taken by Crane clan characters, or characters with the Merchant Patron advantage.
Eta's Island Sub-district
The deputy governor of the Eta Island's Sub-District is Yogo Gougo. He has been the deputy governor for many years, and many expected him to take the Rich Crescent governor's position when there was an opening. But it appears that this posting was meant to be a final resting place for the man rather than an opportunity for greater advancement in the future. He is relatively uncouth, and finer folks complain of the company he keeps. Gougo for his part doesn't pay much attention to the things said about him, he just goes about his business as he always has...
Yogo Gougo is an (Influence 2, Devotion 1 or 2) ally. He can be taken by Scorpion, Ronin, or Hawk (with GM approval) characters.
Prison/Moon District
The Prison/Moon District's Governor is Shiba Tamako. After being looked over for succession by her father Shiba Tadaka, Tamako began looking fora posting outside of her younger brother's domain. The Phoenix clan Champion was kind enough to arrange for her to receive this position last year after a space had opened up. She has found it somewhat difficult to adjust to the new position given the difficulty of the posting, but has pressed on with Shiba-like doggedness.
Shiba Tamako is an (Influence 3, Devotion 1 or 2) Ally. She may be taken by any characters with proper justification.
Tenari's District
Yogo Tenari, has begun two major projects at this time. The first is to build a wall that will occlude the appearance of the prison from this side. Better to live in a shadow, than to have to look at such an ill-aspected feature. His second project is a more personal one. When he became the district's governor a year or so ago, he decided the current mansion given for the Governor's use was not worthy enough. So, he began scouting for a newer, better location, and found one in a grove of trees. Those under his command have begun construction of a new mansion, one he feels is more worthy of his time.
Yogo Tenari is the governor of this District. He is an (Influence 3, Devotion 1 or 2) Ally. Can be taken by Scorpion, Imperial, Crane, or Minor Clan characters.
North Docks District
The governor of this District is Ikoma Kanetomo. He is a portly man in his late 20s. He conducts himself with candor and honor. He was renown as the best young strategist in the Lion army before his wife's brother Akodo Seisaku took that title from him in a heavily publicized series of go matches in their dojo. Kanetomo has reacted to the defeat by learning to expand his strategic skills to matters of economic policy and good governance.
Ikoma Kanetomo is an (Influence 3, devotion 1 or 2) ally. He may be taken by Lion, Crab, Hawk, and Dragon characters.
South Docks District
The South Dock District's Governor is Hiruma Sadae. She is an important governor, Hiruma Watabe, niece from Shiro Kuni. She is married with a child. After her deputization as governor after the attack on Shiro Kuni, she was granted a position as the governor of the South Dock District. Seen as incredibly young, and not particularly capable by many has not helped her keep many skilled retainers at her disposal. She is constantly looking for capable people to aid her efforts, but struggles just to keep her head above water with all the people who come and go from her bureaucracy. She is known as a skilled duelist among the Crab, and is generally accepting of almost anyone if they can lend a hand.
Hiruma Sadae is an (Influence 3, Devotion 1 or 2) ally. She can be taken by any character of any faction.
Sith Empire | Human | Imperial Noble | Negotiator | Hero's Son | Baras' ApprenticeCarries/Wears: 'Cool' Mask, Jal Shey Mentor Armor w/cloak (Low Friction Coating, Enhanced Optics (Vigilance Mod), Energy Dispersion), Lightsaber (Purple Dantari, Curved Hilt), 5x Stimpacks, 3x Stun and 2x Frag Grenades, Utility Belt, Holopad
"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a leader is to look at the people he has around him." -Sylvain TorsinDescription