Col. Hala Moraal wrote:
"Much more, I expect. Same shit, different day, yeah?" she asked with a chuckle, glancing considerately as his demeanor darkened.
"I'll take kolto any day. Beats what's broken not healing right," she said ruefully as she flexed her right hand.
Sylvain Torsin wrote:He shook his head politely and called for a drink for the woman, "You did perfectly well my fair lady. There was much anger in that one's heart. That he did not react violently is most likely due to your efforts. So thank you, truly."
He nodded deferentially. "A member of the Republic's Foreign Office you say? I'm glad to have the opportunity to meet you then. I too am here to help with these peace talks in a direct way."
Niall Organa wrote:"No. You don't." Niall shook his head. "More importantly, you don't sound it; after all, looks can deceive. But... I understand the desire to be doing something. I felt it very keenly, not so very long ago." He pauses a moment, his lips pursing. "As it turns out, I was lucky."
"And you're right, of course. In that way, a soldier's work is never done, is it." Niall smiled, his eyes going briefly distant. "That is why I joined the Republic military, after all. Alderaan is very important to me, but I felt I could best serve it by serving the greater whole."
Col. Hala Moraal wrote:"We do what we can as we are able for those who cannot do for themselves," Hala answered in a muted voice.
Layne Hoshin wrote:"Tombs?" unlike him, she did look down at her own. "In a way, I guess. It dates from the time of Ajunta Pall."
Niall Organa wrote:"Just so." Niall said. He took a drink from a nearby tray, raising it to her. "Colonel, I hope that you are typical of the officers that can be found in the Empire. It gives me some hope for these peace talks."
He took a sip. "Well. Enough about the past. And how have you been finding Nar Shaddaa so far?"
Alysele Cortess wrote:Aly was glancing around when she noticed the smile. Her eyes started assessing the man (boy?) immediately, experience surging through her senses... no, no skewering this time around. She gave a careful and deliberate nod to him, but didn't make any other moves.