Addendum RulesThe rules above are for making a standard hilt lightsaber, there are other forms that can be created.
- Precision Lightsaber: This requires 450 credits worth of materials, 12 hours of construction time with a Mechanics roll of Average. This will craft a shoto lightsaber hilt for example.
- Defensive Lightsaber: This requires 900 credits worth of materials, 12 hours of construction time with a Mechanics roll of Hard. This will craft a guard shoto lightsaber hilt for example.
- Double Bladed Lightsaber: This requires 900 credits worth of materials, 12 hours of construction time with a Mechanics roll of Hard. This will craft a double bladed lightsaber hilt for example.
- Pole Lightsaber: This requires 450 credits worth of materials, 12 hours of construction time with a Mechanics roll of Hard. This will craft a lightsaber pike hilt for example.
Additional Hilt TemplatesPrecision Lightsaber Hilt: Skill Lightsaber; Dam 0; Range Engaged; Encum 1; HP 3; Special Accurate 1; One Handed; Other: -1 damage to installed crystal.
Defensive Lightsaber Hilt: Skill Lightsaber; Dam 0; Range Engaged; Encum 1; HP 3; Special Defensive 1; One Handed; Other: -1 damage to installed crystal.
Double Bladed Lightsaber Hilt: Skill Lightsaber; Dam 0; Range Engaged; Encum 2; HP 4; Special Linked 1, Unwieldy 3; Two Handed; Other: Attachments and crystals cost double.
Pole Lightsaber Hilt: Skill Lightsaber; Dam 0; Range Engaged; Encum 2; HP 4; Special Cumbersome 3, Defensive 1; Two Handed; Other: None.
Additional Construction ResultsBelow are additional uses for Threat, Advantage, Triumph and Despair. Any choice that can be generated by Advantage can also be triggered by a Triumph just as any choice that is generated by Threat can be triggered by Despair.
1 Advantage- Lightweight: Decrease the Lightsaber encumbrance by 1 to a minimum of 1.
- Two-Handed: Increase lightsaber damage by 1 and encumbrance by 2, now requires two hands to wield and can only be selected once. This cannot be selected for two handed lightsaber hilt.
2 Advantage- Disguised: Adds a setback dice to discern the lightsaber for what it is when not ignited.
- Counterweight: Increase lightsaber encumbrance by 2, it loses Unwieldy and gains Cumbersome of equal value instead, this can only be selected once..
3 Advantage- Crossguard: The hilt gains a crossguard and gains Defensive 1 or increase the Defensive quality by 1 and the user can disarm an Engaged opponent with 2 Advantage or a Triumph. This can only be selected once.
- Customizable: Increase the lightsaber’s Hard Point by 1, this can only be selected once.
- Delicate Balance: The lightsaber loses the Cumbersome quality and gains the Unwieldy quality at the same value, can only be selected once.
- Personalized Design: This lightsaber generates an additional Advantage on all successful Lightsaber checks, anyone else using the weapon generates a Threat automatically, this can only be chosen once.
4 Advantage- Inbuilt: The lightsaber is constructed as part of another weapon, choose another item of at least Encumbrance 1. This increases the total encumbrance of the item by that of the lightsaber hilt. While the lightsaber is ignited the item cannot be used and it takes a maneuver tos witch between the item and the lightsaber. This can only be selected once.
- Energy Bleed: The lightsaber gains the Stun 2 quality or increase the Stun value by 2.
1 Triumph- Fine-Tuned Emitter: Add an automatic Advantage to all combat checks made with this weapon, can only be selected once.
- Personalized Inlay: Reduce the difficulty of checks to modify an installed crystal by 1, this can only be selected once.
2 Triumph- Integral Attachment: Increase the hard points by 1 and then may add one attachment with hard point cost of 1 or less, that is not a crystal, to the lightsaber at 0 credits cost. This can only be selected once.
1 Threat- Heavy: Increase the Lightsaber encumbrance by 1.
- Exhausting Effort: Upon completion of the lightsaber, success or fail, the crafter suffers three strain.
2 Threat- Oddly Weighted: The lightsaber gains the Cumbersome 2 quality or increases that quality by 2.
- Fragile Casing: Increase the difficulty checks by 1 to repair the Lightsaber.
3 Threat- Awkward Grip: The lightsaber gains Unwieldy 2 quality or increases that quality by 2.
- Misaligned Emitter: The lightsaber takes a maneuver to ignite instead of being an incidental, it only takes an incidental to shut down though. This can only be selected once.
4 Threat- Erratic: Once per combat encounter the GM may spend a Despair to cause a short in the weapon, this causes it to be damaged by one step and the wielder immediately suffers 3 strain. This can only be selected once.
- Poor Focusing Lens: The lightsaber gains the Inaccurate 1 quality or increases that quality by 1, if it has Accurate it decreases that quality by 1.
1 Despair- Faulty Inlay: Increase the check to modify the installed crystal by 1; this can only be selected once.
- Tragic Accident: During the construction the crafter loses focus and does grievous damage to themselves and suffers an immediate Critical Injury, this can only be selected once.
2 Despair- Unstable: The GM may spend a Despair from any combat involving the Lightsaber to cause it to sputter and then go out. It cannot be used again until repaired with an Average Mechanics check.
1 Triumph on a Failure- Learning Experience: The character has learned valuable lessons from the failure and gains a boost die on the next attempt to create their lightsaber; they do not lose any materials from the attempt.
2 Despair on a Failure- Horrible Accident: The crafter failed to create a lightsaber in spectacular fashion and they suffer a Critical Injury with a +20 modifier and lose all the materials in the process.